Hey @moderndayhippie, thanks for the comment and great advice! I've added the tags and tried to add #lotusstore too but I ran out of steem (resources).
I'll take a look at the stores you recommend and I agree, it's an exciting time all round!
Thank you again for the advice.
Use #LotusStore as a tag, the location of the store is off chain (a different website not on the blockchain), its all a bit confusing at first but ull figure it all out eventually 😉
Oh yeah, recourse credits, that shit is annoying at first but soon u will never have to worry about it.. in fact i will delegate you 15sp for a lil while so u can do a bit more on steemit without having to deal with RCs (resourse credits).. And its done now ;) Enjoy my friend.
Thank you!
Such supportive and friendly people!