so i have been smoking pretty steady for last 9 months. 2 to 3 bowls cause i have a higher tolerance and smoked a little in past here and there quit at different times no problem. but because been smoking so much i got a new job decided to quit for awhile here is where the problem airised. getting side effects from going cold turkey constipation and insomnia which is i go to bed fine and wake up at 3:00 am or 4:00 am for last number of days even if i take Melatonin or tried working ended up being very long days 11 or 12 hour days i am so damn tired has to survive drinking sugar free monster energy drinks just to get thru shift. then got so run down ended up getting strep throat missing work.
apparently this effects a lot of different people in different ways
bad dreams
weight loss
decreased appetite
significant discomfort caused by chills, sweating, shakiness, headache, or stomach pain
have not been able to poop much in 3 day periods this is all not fun i can handle constipation but i need sleep:(
has anyone else gone through these problems to?
Hey so here is the scoop...
Those energy sugar drinks are fucking with you more than quitting weed is...all that sugar is fucking up your hormones especially insulin...also Melatonin pills are way too big, each pill is around 5mg but 5 mg should be the MAX that you should're not fighting jet lag so stop taking them.
Your appetite should be pretty nonexistent - what you should do is try to fast at least 16 hours everyday, then turn off all electronics before going to bed and work with whatever sleep your body allows you to get, all these effects should be gone in MAX a week.
I have been smoking pretty much everyday for 8 years and trust me I know it sucks but stay natural (no sugar and no legit NO SUGAR)
i don't drink them regularly only once in awhile if need it usually if working and have had little sleep.
most time i avoid caffeine.
Soda is ph 1. Energy drinks 1. And the gut is the second brain. Maybe that with a sativa is causing this. I can not smoke sativa anymore. Plus weed sucks now and has been crossbread so much that you never know what your gonna get. Grow yourself and if you do want to drink energy drinks buy alkalized water after.
Good job on the post
yes i was smoking majority of satvia didn't even sleep last night so like 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours
Get off the sativa and even hybrids heavy sativa dominate. This will fix ur issue. Also drink this drink first thing in the morning i will leave the link below. This will regulate the second brain which is the gut. This should balance you out. For a weekdo this and try avoiding greasy foods and sugar and after a week you will be tip top.
One other tip is dont forget to love yourself. Know you are important shit lie if you have to. This will force the brain to adapt and change for the postive. God bless and god luck
Oh the drink is here
to bad it tastes so gross.. also pure cranberry juice is good too.
Cran is great for speeding up bloodflow. They sell this drink at walmart and it is safe lol. Ive lost 45 pounds and have no more heartburn or acid reflux. Also my skin is responding too

wonder if combine apple cider vinger and cranberry juice. i don't think thats in canada
Maybe if u contact them they can tell you if they sell it there. Also u can just make it however. But the lemon and honey should help some
I think working 12 hour shifts will mess with anyone especially if you work at night also, but even if you don't. It's something employers don't seem to care about, ie if you can't sleep or are not adjusting to the hours. Give it time I guess.
have to drive 2 1/2 hours north and 2 1/2 back in icy snowy roads i don't wanna be half asleep.
Wow nice photographer....
And very beautiful trees...🌲🌲🌲