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RE: KETAMINE DRIP for curing depression? {HOW ABOUT NO.}

in #canna-curate6 years ago

Maybe I came at you the wrong way and I apologize. Maybe depression is a made up feeling and the days it cripples me to my knees is all a fabrication if my mind . I can say this that ketamine helps me and feable mind better than the pharmaceutical p8lls for my dake disease . I am not trying to justify my favorite drug. I see real results from not 9bly myself vut others who have been in the case studies. I wish I was as strong as you .I wish i didn't convince myself I had this made up disease . Unfortunately I'm not so sorry if i found something that makes me better . Fake or real the results have helped me with my everyday life . It's not a race and I never said I was going to evolve faster than you . Im sure if we were at a table and having a real discussion we would get along just fine . One day I hope to get rid of my imagination and be real person but until then I'm gonna live in my fairytale world and do whats best for me.