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RE: KETAMINE DRIP for curing depression? {HOW ABOUT NO.}

in #canna-curate7 years ago

Lol ok man. Its clear you have been brought up a certain way . Your thought process is a subway tunnel narrow dark and one way . All I am saying is that there have been case studies done by prestigious universities and medical institutions proving that it does have great medicinal benefits. There has also been breakthroughs with psilocybin mushrooms to cure cluster headaches and depression. Your probably believe marijuana doesnt help cure cancer . Sorry to tell you but times are changing you can sit there with your close mind and get passed by or you can get on board and proceed to the future. I know you probably heard the evils of k holes and ketamine from a dare website . Truth is there is a big movement of micro dosing mushrooms and lsd as therapy by fortune 500 ceos Silicon Valley tycoons . You are kinda proving my point against the FDA by stating aunt almost died from taking an FDA approved prescribed pill so maybe just maybe its time to think and look outside the box . I hope one day you see the big picture much live and gratitude!


Actually I learned about the K hole from people who used Ketamine and hated the withdrawals and were addicted. People in "real life"not the internet. I knew someone like you would come comment because there are always people to defend their drug of choice Im not anti drug and it's strange you assume that. I spore print magic mushrooms every spring and grow cannabis. YOU should open your eyes to the fact that Ketamine has caused great suffering to many people. Also depression is COMPLETE bullshit. That's why they just ask you some questions and give you drugs. No medical tests needed to prove a fake disease.

If "the future" and "the truth" is to do whatever drugs furtune 500 ceos take at burning man is your idea of a new enlightened age then pass me the fuck by.

Seriously explain to me how Ketamine is going to make you evolve faster than me?

Maybe I came at you the wrong way and I apologize. Maybe depression is a made up feeling and the days it cripples me to my knees is all a fabrication if my mind . I can say this that ketamine helps me and feable mind better than the pharmaceutical p8lls for my dake disease . I am not trying to justify my favorite drug. I see real results from not 9bly myself vut others who have been in the case studies. I wish I was as strong as you .I wish i didn't convince myself I had this made up disease . Unfortunately I'm not so sorry if i found something that makes me better . Fake or real the results have helped me with my everyday life . It's not a race and I never said I was going to evolve faster than you . Im sure if we were at a table and having a real discussion we would get along just fine . One day I hope to get rid of my imagination and be real person but until then I'm gonna live in my fairytale world and do whats best for me.