Brigadeiro.. sweet!!:))

in #candy8 years ago


Rende: 60 brigadeiros

  • 2 cans of condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate powder
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cream
  • Unsalted butter
  • Granulated chocolate for brigadiers

Method of preparation

Preparation: 1 hour> Cooking: 30mins> Ready in: 1 hour 30mins
Bring to low heat the condensed milk, butter and chocolate powder. Stir until the dough comes out of the bottom of the pan.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the cream without the whey. Stir well and bring the pan back to the fire, until it comes out of the bottom of the pan again.
Put the dough on a dish greased with unsalted butter and let it cool. Then wrap the brigadeiros and pass them through the granulated chocolate. Serve in paper cups.

upvote and follow!:))



Looks delicious! :)

and its very good and easy to make!!:))

Very nice, I think I must try this recipe. Do you have to keep them fridged, or can they just be left in a tin? :)X

yes sure you can just be left in a tin!!:))thanks!!:))

Nossa que bom, eu vou fazer mesmo para o meu namorado !

Faz que ele vai gostar, é nuito bom mesmo, muito obrigado!!:))

Best gluten free candy ever! :-)

yes, very true!!:))

Mmmm, they look yummy! X

humm very good, thanks!:))

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

thank you soo much!!:))