Killing Cancer NOT People !!

in #cancer8 years ago


Today's Topic: Killing Cancer NOT People


Cancer is now the Number 1 global Killer, killing more people than in World War 2.

Yet, there are a lack of education and preventive measures what cause cancer and ways to prevent it.

However, more and more hospitals and medical centers are being being to house and treat cancer, which are very expensive and there is no guaranteed to successful treatment. Even it is does, relapses continue and the victim eventually dies, empty of its pockets of hard warned savings following to the grave.

Education & Prevention is the key, not just treatment and housing the living dead.

David Lim. 15 December 2016.


It's simple remove the carcinogens from our food and water then say goodbye to almost all cancers.

How can we assist and inform as many, doing that?

Hmm, pointing out that main stream media is a bunch of liars and cannot be trusted is a good start.

More are being spend on building hospitals that educating about causes and prevention. The global medical industry is worth more than 200 billion per year. More people are getting killed by cancer, stroke and heart attacks than all 2 world wars combined. Why? Monetisation !!