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RE: Fuck Cancer

in #cancer7 years ago

Thank you for putting a human face on the work that we all try to be a part of (in our own small way.) My brother is heavy into Bitcoin, etc., and he's made himself very wealthy in the process. When I tell him about BOINC or Folding@Home, he laughs at me, and says things like "Why?! Those coins are worthless and serve no purpose. Don't waste your electricity on it, invest in BTC, or do mining of more valuable coins." But none of this is about getting rich. Personally, if I can just offset some of my electricity costs by selling some GRC, then it's a win-win. The point of doing this research is to put my own small skill-set (building fast mining rigs) to use for the betterment of people out there. And sure, one could argue "Oh these big companies all have deep pockets and don't need your help", or "Just wait for quantum computers to show up, and they'll solve these problems overnight", both of which may be true. But in the meantime, I (and we) can do our little part to help eradicate these horrible diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkison's, etc, that not only kill our loved ones, but makes them suffer horribly along the way. So yeah...fuck cancer!