Cancel Yourself

in #cancelyourself3 years ago (edited)

What do you do in a mad world that's increasing in cancel culture mentality? One option is to cancel yourself before they have the opportunity to cancel you.

"You think you can cancel me? Ya? Well I don't fucking think so, because I just canceled myself! Up yours!"

And that's essentially what a legendary comedian John Cleese has done.



I think it's brilliant. He's taking a stand in protest of the woke cancel culture madness.

Maybe he would have been canceled due to leftist protests to get him banned from the campus. But rather than that that happened, he took a position of integrity do not support such an institution who behaves this way.

And still people were offended by his stance to boycott the University for their idiotic political positions. In response he still let one rip and tore them a new ass hole showing them how dumb they are:

If you are a morally superior, hypersensitive, narcissistic Puritan, uninterested in any opinions other than your own, I actively encourage you to stay away

He said that in response to someone saying how they will stay away from him, referring to book people as tolerant and intelligent people.

Let's analyze that statement of defining the book as tolerant and intelligent. If you're actually tolerant then you will tolerate having people with differing opinions than your own or expressing themselves in politically objectionable ways that don't align with your politics.

But that's not what the book mob does. They don't tolerate it. They don't tolerate freedom of speech. They are intolerant. That's the whole foundation of their ideology.

Here is his skit that he referred to in his self cancellation where he played Hitler.