This post is excellent.
Although I firmly believe in the five points. I would not call myself a Calvinist. I fall into a camp known as Sovereign Grace. I think we are all supralapsarian and reject any notion that stands opposed to Christ's definite atonement for His elect. His death paid for certain sins of certain people and for whom will be made manifest in time.
We judge by the gospel and others confession thereof. We do not judge by performance of law obedience. It is reasonable to assert they that are born of the Spirit will love the brethren but we cannot ascertain the inward state of the heart by outward acts.
Unfortunately, this is where I believe NeoCalvinism has problems as they seem to insist there is some metric form gauging a state of regeneration based on works.
I also believe in decentralization from a theological perspective. This resonates with the liberty that was bought for they that bleive by His most precious blood.
I've noticed a couple of comments where I would like to touch on the Hyper Cal issue. I look forward to getting to know you and your theological convictions!
What is political, social correct may not be spiritual correct.