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RE: What the hell?

in #california2 months ago

"...all we do is wait for the next big disaster to show it's face while sitting on our hands and crossing our legs."

I strongly advocate against this strategy, of being dependent for anything on anyone or anything you can avoid dependence on, but particularly against being dependent on the centralized corporatocracy because it openly intends to conquer the world.

We live in a unique time in history. Centralization is shown to be a temporary phase humanity has endured while tech advanced from the Stone age to the Space age, which has happened. Presently centralized supply lines are still operant, while decentralized means of production have advented and are rapidly developing and dispersing across the population. Until the transition to decentralization is complete and mature, when generational adoption of nominal means of production will be better realized, this present moment when cheap and plentiful motors, chips, and bulk goods are able to be incorporated into production, will gradually degrade until those kinds of products are able to be replaced with bespoke local production.

There's no time like the present.
