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RE: Thanks @nextgencrypto

in #calibrae8 years ago (edited)

They sure did hurt your visibility.
If you reply to this, I don't mind if you use your already damaged accounts to reply.
BTW, once I was unable to see your reply on steemit.
I found it only due to my obsessive use of
You could become a decent youtuber/dailymotioner if you backed your posts by videos in which you read the content of your posts and shared your thoughts and methods on mining, cryptos, steemit including the personal stuff and wars in it, etc.
These are hot topics on youtube.
Steemit is a hot niche. You could find videos about it from a year ago.
While the reward may seem quicker on Steemit, and it is quicker if you have a very small channel, the rewards in Y/T & DM are long lasting.
You already know about that, so why do you not talk to your camera and microphone? A smartphone or a multimedia competent PC are good enough.


Interestingly I have been thinking about making video reports. I can use my smartphone to do it (it records decent full HD), maybe I would just need some kind of stand to mount it at an appropriate position and orientation.

I'm not going to start that sort of thing until I have finished my preliminary, very fundamental task - a build script that automatically downloads all necessary prerequisites, creates a chroot to build inside Ubuntu 14.04, and generates an AppImage universal binary for running inside any 64 bit linux. I have been continuing to code and test this script, to make sure it is as bulletproof as possible before I push it to the repo and announce it has been made.

It could help people build steemd (indeed, currently it basically builds steemd and cli_wallet for version 0.19.1) but I consider such an activity to be a waste of time for anyone other than aspiring witnesses. I had an RPC node replaying for 8 days without completing, with SSD, 50gb memory and 10 cores (the replay only uses one, anyway, because graphene is not multithreaded).

Anyway, back to the coding, I am not going to be happy until I've finished the job and I've eliminated as many glitches from it as possible. At that point, I can start to focus on brushing up my C++ skills and doing a preliminary process of a total code review, adding extensive commenting to help programmers understand what it is doing so they can change it. Others are still working on finding other codes to work on it, and I will make as sure as possible that they are not unduly impeded by the idiot coding methodologies of the morons who made and maintained the original.

Of all the things I ever saw you write about, your calibrae hustle is the least appropriate for videos as it is a niche within a niche.
And there is no need for uploading talks at over 480p (640x480 VGA) .
I have 2 of 2014's premium devices, one can record as low as 480p, and the other as low as 720p.
I choose 480p, and it saves me disk space, copying time and upload time.
I wish I could record at 360p.
If you don't have little details to show in your videos, why overload everything?
Make videos about health, mining, steemit on its flaws, wars, personalities and your crusade to create an alternative.
Make videos about what you said in your previous post to which I replied before, with more emphasis and details about each one of these things.
This is how to cash off internet.
Steemit/calibrae should only be used as a supplement/ a supposedly safe space to store your words as text.

I don't have a bandwidth issue here, 55mbits of ethernet goodness... On selfie-cam it would be 720p, and of course youtube transcodes it to small resolutions for lesser connections... My phone has a pretty good camera and I could always instead use my sony cybershot instead, which has a nice zeiss lens, putting a stand on that would entail a standard camera screw thread.

I'm not really much of a video guy, I like text a lot more, partly because I can basically read it faster than most people and write it not that much slower than I can talk. Plus I'm not entirely happy with my hairdo at the moment, not sure what I want to do with that just yet, I like it enough, but people probably will find it odd.

'supposedly safe'. Yes, Calibrae starts from where Steemit left off, but the planned improvements will make the data a lot more safe, after release first change that is not HF constained will be moving the post data store into probably a simple flat file format that I am sure I could code myself in a few days, and prevent bloat of the database permanently. Then when we get to the SporeDB based platform, the safety will rise even higher. SporeDB is the most advanced fault tolerant database design that I know of.