Sapien Loop 2 – Part Two and Part Three

in #c-c-c3 months ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,


Part Two and Part Three of my book, Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time, have been published on my @captainhive account. This collection post contains all twenty-nine chapters.

Part Two of the book takes us on a journey during a time prior to the existence of the Sapiens. The Linap were the sole dominant species in Sapey. Sapey was experiencing a technological revolution led by the incredibly intelligent Alset family. For around a decade, they had continuously invented new and amazing things. They revolutionised healthcare, transport, infrastructure, and entertainment.

The Linap found the entertainment revolution the most exciting. The Yensid brothers took advantage of this desire and were able to bring entertainment into the lives of everyone. Their rapid success propelled them to riches almost comparable to the Alset family.

Becoming wealthy was not enough for James, the oldest Yensid brother. He also wanted power. He wanted to control Sapey from behind the scenes. He planned to do so with his media monopoly power. James also got some additional help from a special ‘blue juice’ as well as a mysterious lady who loved to wear hats.

Part Two of the book also follows Demadrian and Jenna Alset’s discovery of the secret underground network of tunnels and hidden cities. These are the same tunnels that were rediscovered a thousand years later by Denise and Eugene.

Part Three of the book focuses on both James’ attempts to take over Sapey through his selection of candidates to replace the chiefs and the development of a new serum that could upgrade the genetics of future Linap, making them all geniuses.

James had convinced Chief Waldo the Third that Sapey needed to become a democracy to prevent future generations from uprising. He convinced Waldo there was no threat to his position because the older generations loved him. However, James went out of his way to promote his celebrity puppet candidates to replace Waldo and the other chiefs.

Demadrian Alset had successfully created a serum that rapidly increased the intelligence of newborn Linap. To create this serum, he experimented on volunteers in secret. He knew his family would strongly disapprove of what he was doing. The only one who knew about his experiments was the mysterious lady who loved to wear hats. She used this knowledge to control Demadrian as well as secretly help James.

Secrets cannot be hidden forever. An Alset family member becomes aware of what Demadrian was attempting to do. This leads to an attempt to shut him down but instead leads to more chaos as well as a shift in power.

Sapien Loop 2 - Part 2: Before the Sapiens and Chapter 14: Back in Time

Chapter 14 introduces the world of Sapey a thousand years before the events of Sapien Loop: End of an Era.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 15: Rules of Pound Ball

Pound Ball rapidly became a main focal point of entertainment in ancient Sapey. This chapter explains in detail the rules of the game and how it is played.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 16: Sport or Just Entertainment

Chapter 16 introduces the Pound Ball business model of sports entertainment. The Yensid brothers meet with the owners prior to the grand final to discuss profits and the direction of the sport.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 17: Grand Final

The Pound Ball Grand Final was the spectacle of the year in Sapey. The intervention of television and the enormous modern stadium made it an even bigger event. This chapter focuses on the whole grand spectacle of the grand final and everything involved with it.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 18: We Found Something

The story shifts to the activities of the Alset family. Demadrian and Jenna Alset discover a network of tunnels below the surface. They use their technology to follow the tunnels until they find a place where they can access them. As a team, they figure out how to go down and explore them.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 19: Tunnels and Pound Ball

On finding their amazing discovery, Demadrian and Jenna report to their grandfather, Locum. Their discovery both interests and concerns him. Locum also questions Demadrian on how his technology is being used. They all watch the Pound Ball Grand Final as an assessment of this usage.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 20: Getting Legs

Star Pound Ball player Ryan is still injured after the grand final. James no longer wants Ryan to be a Pound Ball player. He wants Ryan to become governor. He believes he could easily use Ryan’s popularity to defeat Waldo. Once Ryan became governor, James believed he could easily control and become the de facto leader.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 21: For the Love of Democracy

A secret donation had been made to an activist group known as the Democracy Chasers. The group used this donation to advertise and promote their cause. Youth activists became involved in this movement. Yensid Media made sure this movement received as much coverage as possible. Chief Waldo became aware of this movement and panicked. James immediately visited him. In doing so, he managed to convince Waldo that it was in his best interest to hold an election to demonstrate how popular and great he truly was.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 22: The Race to the Palace Begins

The elections are officially on. All the district chiefs agree to hold elections and to run in them. James and his team convince Ryan to run in the Capital Region.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 23: The Lost Kingdom

Demadrian and Jenna continue their exploration of the underground network of tunnels. Demadrian desires to connect the tunnels to Carrington City, and Jenna discovers an amazing underground city.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 24: Connecting to the Past

Jenna and the team of technicians explore the hidden city together. Jenna begins to bond with a technician called Benny. Demadrian connects the tunnels to Carrington City, but at some unfortunate cost.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 25: Let’s Do It for the Team

Waldo, Ryan, and Joan had declared their candidacy for the election. Joan from the Democracy Chasers seemed a bigger threat to Ryan than Waldo. The mysterious lady in a hat infiltrated the Democracy Chasers to encourage other members to run as well as discredit them.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 26: Campaigning Begins

Election campaigning begins in force. Waldo makes his own campaign video. James uses his media company to promote all his famous candidates for all the districts. Joan and Sally run a very low-budget campaign.

Sapien Loop 2 - Part 3: Let Us All Be Geniuses and Chapter 27: Secrets Unveiled

The lady in the hat visits Demadrian in the North facility. Demadrian was running trials on his new serum to enhance intelligence. His latest trials were being conducted on Linap volunteers.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 28: The New Green Eyed Wonders

The trial appears to have been a success. The new babies are born strong and healthy. Demadrian has also invented a device that can rapidly replicate the serum he has invented.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 29: The Great Debate

It is almost time for the election. A debate is held between Waldo, Ryan, and the Democracy Chasers. Waldo tries to dominate the debate with his antics. These were welcomed by the in-studio audience but not by the broader public.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 30: The Home Run

James puts on a spectacular show showing off his celebrity candidates. Waldo realises that things might not be going as well as he had hoped. The lady in the hat persuades James not to release humiliating photographs of Joan.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 31: We Have a Winner

It is now time to vote in the election. After several days of counting, the winners in each district are announced.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 32: It’s All About the Money

Ryan has become the governor of the Capital District. However, James immediately starts running the show. His first trip is to the Economic Institute. He is accompanied by the mysterious hat lady. She discusses with him and the head of the Economic Institute a plan to change the currency of Sapey.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 33: We Have a Leak

The Alset family is thrown into disarray over claims of election interference through intimidation. The family meets to discuss their next course of action.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 34: Cold Pursuit

Patricia Alset, the youngest daughter of Locum, has become suspicious about Demadrian’s activities in the North facility. She decides to pay him a visit. This leads to panic, turmoil, and a violent ending.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 35: The Investigation

An investigation has begun into the events that happened at the North facility. The rescued babies appear well, but Demadrian is still missing.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 36: Shut Them Down

Public pressure continues to mount on the Alset family. Locum decides the family needs to end their operations in the North District. Hadrian, Locum’s eldest son, announces the Alset family’s plans. James is delighted as this provides him and his friends an opportunity to buy the Alset company assets.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 37: It All Has to Go

A week later, a massive auction is held in the North District. James and the other business owners buy up everything. The Alset family attempts to push up the prices, but they are caught out trying to cheat.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 38: Money! Money! Money! Money!

It is time to introduce the new currency. The Alset family was so preoccupied with the election scandal and the auction that they were unaware of the rules regarding the money swap. In frustration, they agree to swap their gold coins for the new alloy metal coins. Demadrian also reappears, thus adding a further distraction to the family.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 39: Giving It All Away

Ryan and Saliyah decide to give out excess coins to the public. The public act overexcitedly, thus creating chaos. The city guards were insufficient to handle them. James suggests creating a security/police force. They would be known as the enforcers.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 40: Wonder Potion Announced

The genius babies are showcased to Sapey in a special live show. At the end of the show, Ryan announces that there will be a referendum on the usage of the genius serum for all children of Sapey.

Sapien Loop 2 - Chapter 41: Argue Your Way Out of This

Demadrian returns to Carrington. Both Governors Sanguine and Ebirb decide that Demadrian has not committed murder, but he acted out of self-defence. However, Ebirb still considers Demadrian dangerous in his current state. Ebirb and Sanguine both address the media, but they are met with hostility.

Chapter 42: The Serum Debate

A debate was organised to present both the positive and negative aspects of genius serum. Ricardo, Jeff, and Hat Lady argue in favour of it. Etnad, Waldo, and Locum argue against it. A secret about the Hat Lady is revealed.

My New Book, Sapien Loop


I have published an ebook on Amazon; it is titled ‘Sapien Loop: End of an Era’. The book is fiction. I do not normally write fiction. However, I felt it was appropriate considering what is happening in the world today. Freedom is the most important thing we have, but we are gradually losing it. I have covered this in many of my posts.

In the story, most citizens do not understand the concept of freedom because they have never really experienced it. In essence, the story is about an alien world that might represent our not-so-distant future. There are many other elements to the story that are an abstract and exaggerated version of our reality. I believe this book to be an important read, and I believe it has the potential to change the way you think.

Brief Summary of Sapien Lopp


This story is based on the fictional planet Sapia and its sole country, Sapey. Sapey is portrayed as a form of utopia for all its citizens. No poverty. No war. Almost no crime. Opportunities for all.

This was enough for most citizens, but not all. In one of the small regions, some of the citizens had become discontent. They felt something important was missing in their lives. Their discontent did not go unnoticed. Some of the Sapey elite wanted to weaponise this discontent to gain more power. This created more chaos than they anticipated. This led to further widespread social unrest.

On top of the chaos, ambition and greed provoked another enemy. This enemy was on a mission to settle both new and old scores.

If you want to buy a copy of the book, below are links to the relevant Amazon websites for each country it is available in. The book is priced at approximately US$5.08.

I am also running monthly contests where participants are required to answer questions based on the book. The prize is 30 Hive Power plus upvotes for the first twelve entries. You can recover the cost of the book with just one win.

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