Bytether is created by cross-forking bitcoin at block 494,784. Any person holding bitcoin at the time of the fork will have access to an equal amount of BTH. This tutorial will guide you how to claim your BTH.
What you need to prepare
A Bitcoin wallet: You do not need any BTC balance to verify a Bitcoin address; but you must have Bitcoin in this wallet at block 494,784 to claim Bytether.
An Ethereum wallet: BTH is ERC-20 token which is run and mined on Ethereum network. Any Ethereum wallet can be a valid BTH wallet. Therefore, you need to prepare an Ethereum wallet (e.g.: from MyEtherWallet) to keep your claimed BTH.
A small amount of Ether: the cross-fork is done via Ethereum smart contracts to make sure all transactions are public and verifiable. Hence, you need a small amount of Ether, less than 0.01 ether ~ 3 USD, in the Ethereum wallet to interact with our contracts.Overview of the flow
Before going into the detailed instruction, we would like to introduce the overall flow, that can be divided into 2 parts:
Part 1: Verify the ownership of your bitcoin address.
You need to sign the message “” with your bitcoin address and register the ownership with one of our smart contracts to verify your ownership. You do not need any Bitcoin balance to sign. The instruction of how to sign your address can be found below. You are advised to do this part as soon as possible.
Part 2: Claim your BTH
After proving your ownership, you can claim BTH as soon as the block 494,784 has been mined. We will check the balance of your bitcoin address at block 494,784 and give you the same amount of BTH.
As we snapshot the bitcoin block chain at block 494,784, you can claim your BTH any time you want, just make sure you have bitcoin at that block. Please transfer your bitcoin from exchanges to your own wallet before block 494,784 is mined to get BTH.
- The instructions
Both part 1 & part 2 can be done via our website. Please the below steps:
Step 0: Go to and key in your Bitcoin address. The website will check the expected amount of BTH you will receive and proceed you to step 1.
The expected amount is just for reference as the block 494,784 has not been mined yet.
Step 1:
Sign the message “” with your wallet. We have a few tutorials to help you with different type of bitcoin wallets. If your wallet is not listed here, please Google the way to sign a message, your wallet should offer this function if you are holding the private key. (ANY exchanges such as Poloniex, Kraken, Coinbase, Bittrex do not support this feature).
Ledger Wallet
Electrum Wallet
When you are clear about how to sign the message with your bitcoin address, you can click “I know how to sign” to go to next step.
Step 2:
In this step, you need to make an Ethereum transaction to our smart contract
Please fill up the registration form with your signature. If you are referred by someone, please enter their email address in refer code, so they can get some free BTH from our referral program.
Click “Register” button. If you installed Metamask plugin or you use Mist, you can directly interact with Ethereum network. If not, you need to make a transaction manually via
In this example. I use MyEtherWallet to make my transaction. Click “Go to MyEtherWallet” to open new tab. On the new tab, select the preferable way to access your wallet (if you do not have a wallet, please follow their instruction to create one for you).
The “Send Ether & Tokens” form should be filled automatically for you. If it is not, please fill out the form with the information you are provided on our website. Click “Advanced: Add Data” to open data field if it is not shown. (Gas Limit is advised to be at least 500000 to avoid running out of Gas).
Click on “Generate Transaction” and click “Send Transaction”. Confirm all the data is accurate, then click “Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.”
A confirmation is shown after that. Click “Verify Transaction” to see your transaction status. Please wait until your transaction is completed before processing to the next step.
Step 3:
After you your transaction status is success, please go back to our website, enter the bitcoin address and click “Verify” again. This time you will be proceed directly to step 3 if your bitcoin address has been verified successfully.
As the block 494,784 has not been mined, the “Receive BTH” button is disabled, you need to go back our website to complete this step later.
Important Note:
Although you see your transaction status is success. It may take a few up to 30 minutes to make your transaction confirmed. Please wait up to 30 minutes if you do not see your bitcoin address is verified. Don’t make a new transaction during that time.
The Ethereum wallet you use to make the transaction will be the one receive BTH in step 3. You can not change this address. In the above example, I use 0xa81135aa1630307e52097b605791f293865a7bbc to make the transaction in step 2, so I must use this wallet to claim BTH in the next step.
You must transfer your bitcoin to the verified bitcoin address before the cross-fork block 494,784.
For more information, you can contact us at
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