"The Knock"

in #bycolemancontest7 years ago (edited)



After 48 hours of unspeakable terror, there was “The Knock”! She stumbled to the door, jolted by the surprise of an early morning interruption!

It had been a tormenting and very scary 48 hours! Nothing was as it was supposed to be. Nothing was normal, nothing was going right. In fact in the hours prior to “The Knock”, everything felt very very wrong and scary. As each hour went by, a sense of impending doom was thick in the air!

In that heart-racing state she answered the door to a very tall, police officer. She confirmed her identity to his question of who she was . She didn’t want or need to hear the words that were about to follow! It could only be the worst news!

How could this gentle giant of a cop possible know that this woman and the man he was about to give her news about, were “joined at the hip and heart for over six years? How could he know that they were seldom apart and they almost never flew without each other? He didn’t know they said goodbye in Calgary four days earlier, he on a flight to Argentina, due back … two days ago!

He didn’t know that the news he was about to deliver would shatter a 6 ½ year fairy-tale! He had no way of knowing that when these two souls met, they tumbled into an amazing all-consuming heart and soul entanglement! He could guess but could not know the extent to which his news was about to explosively decimate her soul! He could not know these two people were each other’s obsession, addiction, breath, soulmate, oxygen, reason-for-being, each other’s very life!!

What he DID know was that Joseph Black was dead. He died in Peru, in transit to Argentina.

The police man watched her back away and feel for a chair to help absorb her body as she reeled and sunk from the impact of his words! Jo was dead!

Even now, nine years later, the memories of what followed “The Knock” have remained a blur! What she will never forget, as if seared into the memory bank of her soul, was the deep, dark, sucking vortex of lonely pain that tore through her being when she was told that her larger-than-life Jo was dead!

Time has been generous in healing the exploded hole in her soul. Precious memories have sustained her. Till the end of time, she will always know and remember that she was once very deeply and profoundly loved, before “The Knock”.



Very interesting and captivating piece... As I read the story I could visualise everything in my head... They all appeared so real
Thumbs up

@miraeff, I appreciate your taking the time to read this story and comment! That you say it all "appeared so real" means a lot because it was oh so real! Finding the words to describe the "horribleness" of it all was the challenge! Thank you again for your feedback! Upvoted ...

Thank you and you're welcome 😁

Wow. very touching.. such heartfelt words. And all the more so because I read the comments before the article where you revealed that indeed this was based on real life events - the weight of it pulls you in and leaves you hoping the outcome is not what it was. The most uplifting thing about it is that it was over 9 years ago and so I can imagine that while there is still the tinge of pain thats emotional scars will leave - that there has since been some closure and other distractions of life have filled in some of the holes left behind - knowing all the while that there is some abyss that can never be filled again. I hope you were able to fill your life with loved ones since then.

@jorlauski, thank you for stopping by and taking a read!

I can tell you have intimate experience and knowledge of the vicissitudes of life. Further, you also have the ability to describe it all using graphic words!

Through the horrors of life, we learn so much about who and how we are. We discover strength we didn't know we had. We learn a brand new appreciation for life and living, taking nothing for granted, and celebrating each an every day as the gift it truly is!

Here's to learning and growing!

What an engaging read. Your imagery is very strong and the narrative pulled me along all the way to the end. The description of her entanglement pulled at my heart strings. Thank you.

@talltuk, I genuinely appreciate that you not only took the time to read the story, but you commented kindly and thoughtfully! "She" appreciates is too! Cheers!

Hi, this is Mello. I was transported into the story from “the knock.” I became an observer in the shadows as I watched her receive her devastating news. Your word choices are gripping. I especially like these word combination: “as if seared into the memory bank of her soul.” Well done. I enjoyed the short read.

One tiny wish I would make is if “she” had a name.

Hiiii Mello of @beeyou, thank you for stopping to read it!

Though it was a short piece, it was a difficult one to write. Mere words felt woefully inadequate to explain the cataclysmic devastation of "The Knock".

Thank you for stepping into the mood of the story and "feeling it"!

By the way ... "She" was me!

wow this is a very sad @kismet2018. I'm so sorry to hear this and I want you to know that. I can not know what you have had to go through, but I can imagine and it is something truly tragic. I am glad to see you are writing about it so that your friends can understand you a bit more and offer you understanding and compassion.

Your strength and perseverance shows through very much in the short time I've known you! You may not be famous, but you are great. And I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to know you!

@davemccoy, it was "Oh Happy Day" when you reached out a hand of friendship and welcome to this profoundly lost, yet measurably excited Minnow! You are a remarkable man on this platform because of your generosity of heart! This world needs more like you, kind sir!

I cannot say say enough about the absolutely incredible people I have met in the #minnowsupportproject, #newbieresteemday, PAL Community! Their willingness to help and genuine care about another Steemian's well-being makes a heart smile and feel very safe!

Special shout-outs to ...

@davemccoy, @goldendawne, @beeyou - Paula & Mello, @bashadow, @amariespeaks, @wanderlass, @lynncoyle1, @seaslim ... and many more!

You make this ride a lovely thing! Thank you!

I am so glad that you are in this group of "incredible people"... You are a pleasure to be around and an uplifting driven soul! I do agree with you about everyone you mentioned and I'm so proud to be associated with you all!

Kismet you are wonderful!

Big smiles, happy heart here, @davemccoy!!!

Thanks so much for the shout-out @kismet2018! It has been my pleasure all the way :) I'm so glad that @davemccoy pulled you into this clan of ours; I am grateful for being a part of it as well!

Isn't amazing to have such a positive, warm, loving, helping (I could go on) social platform to be on? Most others are riddled with negativity, but this one is filled with all kinds of sunshine-filled pockets :)

I'm going to quit before I start dragging out unicorn metaphors!

haha... my thoughts exactly Lynn! I don't want the unicorn metaphors to come out either!

And same goes for you too btw ;)

Listen @davemccoy very carefully; if you EVER see the unicorn metaphors come out, it's time to tell me to call it quits; I will listen to you :)

It's truly a beautiful thing we've got going here, @lynncoyle1! Deeply grateful!!!

Wow you're a great storyteller @kismet2018. You captured these emotions in a short story and I like how you unfold the story, although it's a sad and shocking one.

Hellooo @wanderlass! Thank you for stopping by and your complimentary words! It was a low point for sure! Much has changed in me since then! When Joe died, it felt like the world should stop and things should be visibly changed in the world. But guess what, the world went on. Nothing changed in the world, but everything changed in me! Now I am grateful. Then I wasn't! It was a bitter, painful journey but goodness and strength came out of it! Thank you again, @wanderlass!

thank you @kismet2018 for the mention! Keep Steemin' my dear! you are wonderful <3

First you captivated me with “the knock”, and now you leave me in awe with your last line. Thank you for sharing your story. I really don’t know what say but that I admire your will to live on and create new memories.

Thank you, Paula @beeyou! THANK YOU for your help!

Re "The Knock", when I said, "Time has been generous in healing the exploded hole in her soul" ... it's true!

From that point on, "She" started a journey - digging deep inside, finding out who she was, discovering strength she did not know she had! The richest gift that came out of that was she developed a zest, an appetite and insane gratitude for every single day she is "gifted"!

Thank you for your compassionate response!

Great story Sharon!

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day!

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Awww ... huge thank you @newbieresteemday!! I appreciate it!!

Awww @kismet2018, this is what you were referring to when we spoke before. I am unbelievably saddened by your story, but selfishly heartened by your recovery. Although, you never get over it, I think you just learn how to deal with it, because really, what choice do we have.

Now I truly understand your understanding of my story, and I am forever grateful for you sharing the idea of sustainability in memories, photos, letters, poems, and those precious memories that remain in our mind's eye.

she will always know and remember that she was once very deeply and profoundly loved

made me cry. I hope beyond hope, that you will feel that again; and I know all too well how impossible that seems, because it won't be the same, but I have to believe that when the time is right, and with an open heart, we can receive and give love differently again.

Big internet hugs coming your way tonight !

Now I am leaky too! I can't say I KNOW how you are feeling, dear @lynncoyle1! That would be baseless and presumptuous! But I DO know
very intimately, deep and profound "LOSS"!

Get this ... since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be 50 years old, because my Grandma was in her 50s at the time. (I posted about her, with Paula @beeyou's encouragement.)

So I lived life, avoiding birthdays but looking forward to my 50th. In that year many bad things happened, with Jo's sudden death topping it all off!

It was the lowest point in my life!

However, what has become of me since then to now has been the absolute best years of my life!! It's been an incredible journey of pain, discovery, fears-facing, self-facing!

My feelings about him, then, us, are warm, satisfying, intensely personal, ours ... I am peaceful and deeply grateful that we had the time we did have!

The pain is long gone because I practised from the get-go, replacing thoughts of pain with thoughts of pleasure, happiness, humor! We had a gazillion! It wasn't always easy! But I noticed it was most difficult to do when I needed to do it most urgently! Bombarding my mind with snapshots from the "Memory Bank" he and I deliberately created, kept me going.

Without realizing it, my mind got practise in being grateful for the short time we had together and the pain started to lose its sting! So it might sound cliche, but it really worked and continues to work for me - Stay in the Attitude of Gratitude and we end up suffering less! Simple but not easy!

I don't believe Time heals all wounds. Time can make wounds worse. What matters is what we are telling ourselves and feeding our minds and souls during this time.

I have no wisdom but I can share my experience, strength (which I discovered or developed) and hope with you that somehow, you will be ok! The future is not ours! Now is all we will ever have! Gobble up every single second you can get with your precious and beloved @briancourteau! Both of you have been in my heart and prayers since you told me your story! Thank you, dear Girl for taking the time to read and respond to this little piece of poignant history!

You're so sweet! And I agree with everything you are saying! I'm also so happy that you have come to this place in your life; the human spirit is truly an amazing thing:)

Tightest and warmest to you and yours, dear Girl!!!!

Glad you were able to get your post up on time! It’s a good story Sharon. Good luck with the contest!!

Thank you for your 11th hour intervention and help, @beeyou! I truly appreciate it!

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you left a post in the NewbieResteem Discord Chat channel post Promotion Box.

That was a very well written and told story. I could see her stumbling back hand reaching for the chair. Well done.

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues

@bashadow ... many thanks! I appreciate it!

Great post... loved reading the story. I love your pictures too

Thank you so much! The bad news is that it was true and the good news is that it's history! Thank you for reading it!

Wow! Very captivating, had me on the edge of my seat! Would love to read a book by you! The way you detail it all is superb! Great writer! :)

Really @smylie2005?! That means a lot to me especially as I am more of a "talker" & listener than a writer! I am working on trying to capture the story in WRITTEN words. I wish writing came as "naturally" as talking - hehe! So thank you so much again for your feedback!

Youre most welcome! You definitely cant tell that its not second nature to you! It really was great :)

Will there be a sequel???

Hehe @kuroiwa ... Your question made me chuckle!

The truth is there is a big story that led up to "The Knock" and an even bigger one that followed.

Maybe one day she will write the book! Her title will be "You Can't Make Up This S**t".

Thank you for your kind inquiry!

Quite the interesting reply

"Interesting"? I am glad of that choice of word. "Interesting" gives us something to work with. "Uninteresting" is more of a foregone verdict and there is less room to improve!

I do appreciate your feedback!

Well, I was going to use that title, but I guess you can have it. heart.gif

Do you have a story that needs that title? Of course you can use it! I don't "own" it! Truly! Go ahead!

Oh, I was just kidding, kind of commiserating with you, in that things have been fairly weird for me, too. I could never have imagined....

Oh I love when the "weirdies" start circling! They used to fill me with dread.

Now I know some WOW or kaboom insight or experience is around the corner.

So I am excited for you! Feel free to tell about it here or we can DM on Discord?

Would love to chat with you!

ok @kismet2018 and @seaslim, your WOW or kaboon insight has arrived!!

I've got two big ears if either of you ever need it.

Actually, my ears are pretty proportionate to my head-size, but you get what I meant, right? :)

The knock devastate her but she found healing, but the knock will remain as a memorial deep in the heart that once ravished by love.
Wonderful poetic story

Thank you for finding the richness of experience in the horror of her reality, @eprolific! I appreciate the feedback! Thank you!

Your story was so moving, I could feel your pain. While there really are no words to describe that kind of loss, you communicated it very well. I'm so sorry for your loss. :'(

@seaslim, I don't know you but I "feel" you! You are an incredibly empathetic you can "feel-the-pain-of-another" kind of human! Thank you for being you!

Yes, it was a horrible thing! Like horrible things, we FEEL like we can't make it and can't go on, but that wasn't the truth! Seems like we get chances in life to grow through and live or retreat and die inside.

The story after "The Knock" is almost as riveting as the story that lead up to "The Knock"! Maybe one day I will have the inside "green light" to do it!

Thank you again for your kindness!

The title of the story was quite different to how I imagined the rest of the events, but well written and very evocative. Just pondering on that quote right at the end... In many ways love also often leaves a heartache that no one can heal (except for time maybe?), and death often leaves a memory of someone that is quite different from what we normally think of when that person is alive and well, so in a way it steals some of the other memories that we have of someone. Perhaps that's a story for another time...

Thank you @plushzilla! I am not much of a writer. I'm more of a conversationalist. Doing this writing on Steemit is stretching and helping me develop my writing skills. It's not easy especially when the topics are so intense, surreal, emotion-packed! So thank you for your compliments on the writing!

Would love to hear what you have to say on the other perspectives of the quote at the end. Maybe blog about it. Turn it into a game for us to join in!

Some of the best writing reads more like a conversation! I started off by participating in writing contests to help me become more comfortable in connecting with other people on social media, but in the end it is usually about trying to find our own voice/identity in a very large and global crowd. Those thoughts in my comments were more of a reflection on some personal experiences... not sure if I will find the right time for those to come out soon. A game relating to emotions and feelings might be something to think about though :)