The heart of the beautiful pisan and its benefits

in #by7 years ago (edited)


Some of us may never have consumed banana heart. This vegetable is harder to find than other vegetables. The heart of bananas is generally discarded. In fact, can be used as alternative food. If clever to cultivate it, the heart of banana can be a delicious vegetable nutritious solid. All types of bananas can be taken heart to be processed into vegetables, especially the type of processed bananas. Banana kapok, banana klutuk, banana cotton, and banana horns have a soft banana heart texture, making it more delicious than fruit bananas. In addition, the banana heart of this type of banana does not taste bitter.

In 9 Fruits and Vegetables Sakti Tangkal Disease write the heart of banana has a high enough fiber content, so it is very good for digestive health. People with hyperglycemia and frequent constipation are advised to eat high-fiber vegetables, such as banana heart. Meanwhile, the heart of bananas instead includes low-fat vegetables and carbohydrates, also cholesterol-free. Carbohydrate content is only 6-8g / 100 g of fresh banana heart. Fat content is only about 0.3-04g, depending on the variety of bananas. The many minerals found in the heart of bananas are phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.

The levels vary, depending on the variety. Phosphorus, calcium, and potassium are the triads needed for bone formation. All three should always be there for normal bone formation. In addition, these three essential minerals are very good for brain intelligence. Some herbalists claim that the heart of banana is a good blood cleanser. For a long time traditional medicine experts have used banana heart to treat diseases associated with dirty blood such as itching of the skin. This needs to be explored scientifically, because blood cleansing has a broad meaning, not just throwing away other materials that poison the blood. But it also improves blood function. Chemically, the heart of bananas contains a lot of potassium. Some studies prove that potassium has a good ability to thin the blood. Potassium is also able to get rid of impurities in the blood. To perform normal physiological functions, humans need a clean blood supply.

Clean blood will bring enough oxygen to the heart so that the body's needs can be met. Lack of oxygen not only interfere with breathing, but will disrupt the body's metabolism. Blood is clean and dilute is a condition that must be met to prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension that impact on coronary heart disease and stroke.


Beautiful my friend bless you