You Pick

Opalescent Nudibranch-2.jpg


Opalescent Nudibranch-1.jpg

This is an Opalescent Nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis a species of brightly coloured, sea slug or nudibranch. These live predominantly in the Pacific Northwest and are about 4 cm in length.

In my continuing posts about black and white underwater photography this week, I throw it to you, the viewer. Which image do you prefer and why?

Here is a link to my first post. Thanks for reading and have a great day.


For more stories and images -


I'd go with the color photograph. Black and white is good too, but color is so much better. The vibrancy of the sea slug is in its color. Which looks dull in the black and white pic.

I'm kind of partial to black & white in this case. A little too much orange in the colour photo. Love your posts, thanks for making them.

thanks for bringing a unique Atmosphere to this platform.

Both are beautiful, but I prefer the color photo. The orange on the cerata is so striking

both are great

WOW! This is so cool! I liked the color one the best. Are these sea slugs poisonous? And by the way. How do you take these photos? Is it a special camera?

Loved the B&W photo. Looks like an SEM micrograph.

with colors like that you have to go with the color one. My son was really impressed with it. are those structures on the back gills?

BW focus more on the structure, but the Color shows the whole beauty.
Color wins :)

Try keeping the color of the slug but leave the rest black and white ? :)

awesome post and amazing feed. Im a professional Drone/Aerial Photographer from Sydney Australia who has just joined steemit. I would really appreciate it if you could check out my work and give me any feedback. Thanks for your time :) one again beautiful feed!

Here I would go for the colour photo which looks amazing! (In your previous post, that first shot in b&w was awesome.) I suppose I would have to choose on a case by case basis... Honestly, Scott, your work is fantastic either way! resteemed :)

Colour is the way to go! Love this nudi!