Definition: A region consisting of the whole of Asia as well as the Tropical countries of the Pacific Rim.
"A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed."- Ansel Adams
Guest Judge
This week @boxcarblue
On deck for next week @runrudy
Honourable Mentions-1 SBD

amazing architecture, loved it!
Are you entering the contest?
So basically this includes all of North America? One thing I'm wondering is if it includes Hawaii?
I was going for an "Asian feel" for this week's contest. I would say Hawaii and not North America!
China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, etc
So you are saying Yes to Hawaii then?
Oh good! I was screwed this week if it wasn't allowed. Hawaii is as far west as I have traveled!
Asia is East tho...
Looking forward to your entries
Singapore. Yay.... here we go. Tonight the hunt is on.
Looking forward to your entries!
No. 1 is in. :-)
Sounds like fun.
Will you be entering?
Excelente fotografia, se observa como que si estuviera vida.
excelente fotografia
Will you be entering the contest?
Good photographs, it has a lot of feeling. regards
muy bueno fotografias se ve muy tridimensional..!!
Great photos
Are you entering the contest?
Thanks again for organising this b&w contest.
This is my first entry
This picture definitely has a story to it. It's mysterious and intriguing. Love it!
Are you entering the contest?
Not sure 🤔 you'll have me some competition running against you. Lol 😆
No ,..... unfortunately I'm not.
I hope that in future contests, other geographic areas will also be included.
Yes, definitely!
You can enter Asia-Pacific cuisine
Great! I'm digging out some shots from Fiji in the South Pacific! Thanks for doing this. It gives me incentive to go back to older work I have shot over the years.
Just posted! Am I allowed three images?
Looks nice
All best photographer have to participate their self for this contest, this is an opportunity for all steemit member in asia, thanks for sharing good info and useful post @daveks,
Looking forward to your entries!
Sounds like fun, but i dont understand the theme for this one...
Anything with an Asian feel to it!
Kid friendly of course
Good, now i have to figure what an "Asian feel" is LOL... I understand, but i have to find the right place to take the photo :)
Looking forward to it!
Woooooooo OK, I'm in Asia, so.... I'll have to win this one!
The pressures on..
Once again, here are my entries to that cool contest. Check it out !
Follow me on -

Hi, this my first entry for B&W Photo Contest-Asia-Pacific.

Please Upvote if you like it! --> B&W Photo Contest-Asia-Pacific-1-Street of Lucknow-India
Such a cool topic :-) This is my 2nd week, and not sure if I'm supposed to post the link here - or if the judges sort through the tag later?
It's best just to add the bwphotocontest tag, that's it!
Judges sort through the tags.
Oh yea! New contest and I love the Asian theme. Thanks for doing these. I will try and get some entries in soon. Will also resteem this so more people see it and enter!
Thanks for the ReSteem!
Looking forward to your entries
Yea, the more participants the better the contest!
Thanks for doing it!
Thanks for participating!
Thanks for organizing this, @daveks and guest judge @boxcarblue!
This is a great excuse to go through my SE Asia travel photos, and relive some of the great experiences I had there.
Here are my entries:
#1 – Cambodian Kid Gets Lucky With La Piñata.jpg
#2 – Hindu Temple in India
#3 – CRAZY Hanoi Rush-Hour Traffic
Thanks for your entry!
You're welcome, and I added two more entries!
You did good post B&W Photo Contest mister !
Looks please on my B&W Photo Contest - Cane in a gust of wind... tHIS POST IS BEAUTIFULL! :
Glad you like it!
Great contest, can I post 3 photos in one post? or Should I do it separately?
It's up to you!!
I made my first submission for the week! Plan on getting a couple more in before friday!
Thanks again for doing this contest. Its so great for the steemit community!
Glad you could participate!
Thanks me too, love this contest! Hope to get another one in tonight!
Hi daveks, thanks for hosting this awesome project! Im glad to have found an outlet to practice and grow with all these great photographers on steemit. Just wanted to say a quick thanks and intro as today marks my first day to enter and it won't be the last, see you around :)
Woot sounds coool . I will be entering very soon
Thanks so much for organizing the event @daveks! I have participated with my three entries. Following you to track future contests as well :)
Thanks for the follow!
Looking forward to your entries
Thank you for this great contest. These are my 3 entries.