Voting on Others Will NOT Save Steem

in #buysteem6 years ago (edited)

I've asked many times now and nobody ever seems to have an answer, why would anyone buy Steem and power up just to reward others?

If Steem is to survive, there's got to be incentive to holding it.

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Honestly if the system worked correctly, I believe that rewarding beneficial contributions to the ecosystem would grow the ecosystem and improve it, which adds value. This would ideally make the price of STEEM go up, and therefore improve your investment.

Now that is based on the sentiment that those that hold the most stake want to get a return on that stake, and therefore will do what is in the best interest of the platform. But this requires long term thinking and being intelligent to understand that in business certain things are needed. Like a good management team, communication, direction, focus, marketing, pr, and catering to the user base in the development.

Currently the norm here is to upvote other people’s shit content (or your own), as no one can see long term. No one is thinking about the Steem ecosystem and how improving it improves the overall value of STEEM and everyone’s investment.

It’s become a game of who can suck out the most roi from the pool before someone else does.

Why would anyone work to improve the ecosystem when others are rewarded for shitting on it? There is no incentive to contribute, there is incentive to suck it dry... so that’s what people do.

If there was leadership and if people actually rewarded the behavior they wanted to see, supported beneficial actions and actually worked together to take care of the large gaping holes that need to be filled here, well that would probably become the norm.

If that was the norm, the ecosystem would improve and the price of STEEM would go up.

That requires organization though, it requires leadership and requires Someone to set the tone. Someone has to be the leader and work towards the combined goal... someone has to pull this place together.

So, why would someone invest? Well because they get something out of it, or that’s the way it was suppose to work anyways 🙂 just the “something” was suppose to be an overall return on the investment over time.. not a quick upvote for the day and no look at longevity.

Well.. that’s my opinion anyway...

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