
Howdy sir nutman! I totally agree. Where is Huddersfield? I mean what country is it in?

Oh it's in England. The land of wet weather and rolling green fields :) Where are you from?

Howdy today sir nutman! Is it winter over there? I'm from Kansas originally but now live in Texas.

Howdy! I see Texas and Kansas are not too far from each other. What made you move? I grew up in the south of England and moved up north to study and have since stayed here because the scenery is just so much nicer; there's actually some hills! I've never been to the USA but sure would like to some day. Technically it's not winter here until 21st Dec but its already close to freezing, dark and wet, so it certainly feels like it's here already. Is it not in Kansas? I thought everywhere in the northern hemisphere shared the same seasons?

Howdy today sir nutman! I have never been to England but would certainly love to as well. Yes, I guess we share the same seasons, I just never knew that. lol. I left Kansas to find work and I worked in many different states but lived in Northern Ohio the longest but Mrs. J. wanted to move where it was warm so we chose Texas.

What do you do for a living? And where did the username "Nutman" come from? do people think you're nuts?

Oh I would love to live somewhere warm too. It's been wet, dark, damp and muddy all autumn here. Starting to feel dreary and winter is only just beginning! Alas all the water makes for lovely green colours throughout the countryside so it's a trade off! Which State did/do you like the most?

My surname begins with 'nut' and nutman became a nickname at some point! I work in e-learning doing mostly system testing tasks. It's ok. What do you do?

Howdy again sir nutman! I hope the winter will be mild and short with some sunny days thrown in. That's a tough question about my favorite state, I've lived in Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and now in Texas.

I really loved them all for their own unique qualities but if I was forced to choose I reckon I'd say Kentucky and Texas. The Northern states are great but man, the winters are long and bitter.

So you work online all day? Do you have to go into an office?