Texans Warned To Watch For Swimming Tarantulas!

in #butterflyday5 years ago (edited)

Oh they're great swimmers. They're so hairy that it gives them lots of buoyancy!

This post is for the lovely and gracious @whatisnew and her butterfly and insect Thursday. Yeah I know. I'm a day late and a dollar short like normal. lol.


Yeah we got more tarantulas here than we know what to do with. And they're increasing. Well shoot, they lay a thousand eggs at a time so what do you expect? lol. They love the climate here apparently so they're thriving.


There's so much pasture and grassland here and they love that and the warm climate. Lucky us. I'm sure they do some good like maybe they eat mosquitoes!

No, I just looked it up. They only eat large insects like crickets and grasshoppers. And sometimes the occasional cat. No I'm just kidding about the cat!

We got two main types here. The Mexican Red Knee:


And the plain old ugly Texas Brown Tarantula which grow to have leg spans of over 4 inches:


Experts are warning Texans that if they swim in a pond or lake to be on the lookout for them, especially with the increase in population. We got over a thousand people a day moving here and now we got tarantulas moving in too?

They aren't venomous, they just freak people out. It IS pretty creepy to see them swimming. It's more like they're walking on water. Check out this video:


Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!

PS- I found a couple more vending machines that I find interesting:

This one sells different sizes of gold bars and also sells gold coins.
I assume they are in highly secure locations like 5 Star hotels. There's only 20 of them in the world.


Then this one, it's a great idea. They've sprung up all over Europe but some U.S. states don't allow the sale of raw milk.






Reminds me of an old tarantula story. Happy Saturday, @janton.

Howdy sir dandays! You're on my list to visit today. Hey you can't just say that about "the old tarantuala story" without giving us the story! I reckon there's lots of those in CA?

Ca, not so much. I've heard of on here and there back in my construction day's. Remember that article I put together from Costa Rica though where that big ol thing was in the bedroom?? Lol! It's not in anyone's bedroom anymore.

You ever notice how people are on one side of the fence or the other with spiders.. same with snakes. Seems to me people who despise spiders aren't bothered by snakes and vice versa. Well, Janton, I hate snakes!

I don't care if it's a 'kissin snake,' 'the worlds friendliest snake,' 'prolonged happiness snake,' don't care! What I’m trying to say is.. spiders don’t bother me. 😉

Great to hear from you again, Janton. Scratch his ears for me. 👍🏿

I'm on the same page with you sir dandays. Spiders are fine, snakes are creepy and they always surprise you!

I just checked out all of the engagement you got goin on this one article. I don't know much about real estate but that's a lot.

You lost me sir dandays, what real estate? I think you do know quite a bit about real estate. Whatch you talkin bout boy??

”I don’t know much about real estate but that’s a lot.”@janton. You ever heard a joke that needed to be explained but was still funny? 🤔 A lot, real estate, get it? Lot?

Howdy Janton! I would love to take photo of one these beauties; good to know they are not venomous!

And raw milk and gold vending machine? Honestly, this world is insane, lol.

Howdy Miss Lena! you mean you wouldn't care if they walked all over you? That freaks most people out!
I'm glad the vending machines are entertaining. lol.

I said I would like to photograph them. That doesn't mean I want them to crawl allover me, lol. And yeah the vending machines are funny 😄

Ok well I had no idea, people are always surprising me in what their tastes are! lol.

Yikes man, that gives me the heebs and I ain't afraid of spiders!!

lol! If you were swimming you'd turn into a world record holder if you saw that coming toward you! I think it's creepy too.

It does look creepy. I think I would have a fit if I was in the water and one of them swum past!

lol..and I hope someone would get that on video!

That's. Just. Wrong. Both the swimming tarantulas and the gold bar vending machine. What is the world coming to?

lol..howdy sir wwwiebe! I think the swimming tarantulas are super creepy too, I can imagine relaxing out in the lake and see a bunch of them coming, yikes! Not much stops them apparently.

I'm not sure why you need a gold vending machine but they must be making money!

Swimming tarantulas! Hadn't thought of that one! ; )

I hadn't either sir rossfletcher, they are pretty much unstoppable I think!

!giphy tarantula

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giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Such a cool giphy here!

It IS isn't it? That shadow makes it look even creepier. lol.

Thank you giphy!

Howdy contrabourdon! that's a good one, thank you!

Listen, go back to the history posts will ya. Swimmin' tarantula, now that's just too much.

lol..do you guys have them tarantulas over there? They could be swimming in that quarry!

No, we're a tarantula free zone. So don't go bringing any with you when you come over to visit;)

lol! But I will feel naked without my guns! lol. No snakes either though so you only have to worry about human snakes! Ok, as long as you protect me.
Ha! I just reread this and realized you were saying don't bring tarantulas with me, I was thinking you were talking about guns! lol. Yeah that would be bad to bring them because they'd take over the whole country and mess up the ecosystem.

Tarantulas are just downright creepy! I don’t see any in my neighborhood in Allen, Tx. My mama said there were tarantulas living in our firewood pile in El Paso, Tx when I was a kid. I was convinced they were so large they could chase me!! LoL, I was a big chicken as a kid, so I stayed far away from the wood pile! 😂

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ha! You had a good excuse to stay away, there are few things more creepy than a huge spider. Well, I say snakes are but huge spiders are a close second!

I thought this might take your mind of'n swimmin' spiders,...
It's not helping mine much,....


Seems to be a connection to Borger, Tx.

lol..howdy freebornangel! thanks for these articles. I really like legendsofamerica and go there for references and photos and sometimes story ideas. Great story about the guy who founded Borger, I had to look it up to see where it was.

Not too far from Amarillo.
I remember a Borger exit on I-40.
I didn't know the connection between Borger and Tilghman, though.
I learned about Bill from a late night tv movie.
He made it from the indian wars to the drug war, and the drug war's corrupt federal agent killed him.
Pretty sad, iyam.

Very sad indeed sir freebornangel, it's a great story and I may tell it if I stay here and Steemit lasts, etc. I've been somewhat familiar with him since he was in Dodge City at the same time Wyatt Earp was but I never researched him specifically. Thanks so much for all your information, you're full of it! lol.

I've read a lot of books.
I most enjoy real stories of real people.
I think those bring the value to steem.
Until steemizens have more of it, we have to make do with stories from the past.
You do a good job of collating different sources and putting them into a good read.

I've been to Dodge a couple times, if only I could hear what the walls have to say.

Howdy today freebornangel and thanks for the kind words. I'm not much of a writer but I like to tell stories so hopefully a little of that comes through. Oh yeah, Dodge has a colorful history indeed!

Oh my that is scary! I feel insecure if I would think there are tarantulas on the water surfacing....

Howdy there mers! I know what you mean. I think if I was out in the water when they showed up I'd suddenly be able to walk(or run) on water!

Lololol! Truth is , you´ll be able to make the impossible things become possible...

I like your attitude mers! Blessings to you and yours this weekend!

Thank you, you too my friend, have a nice weekend!

Okay. I'm going to have nightmares now from watching that video. I couldn't watch the whole thing. EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, giant spiders, like no! Swimming giant spiders, definitely not! Nope. Not moving to Texas. Nope. I have to go stick my wet fingers into the light socket so I can forget I saw this post. Really cool post there Jonboy but ( shudder) nope.

lol! I'm sorry sqirrelbait, I didn't mean to traumatize you! I figured you'd be used to spiders, aren't they all over the woods? Not 4 inch ones I hope, but some good sized ones. They seem to be unstoppable, that's the scary thing.

Plus laying 1,000 eggs at a time. Next they may be headed North!

Spiders are all over the woods and I hate them. Giant ones - nope. Not for me. That is something that was nice about Northern NY mountains. Too cold for spiders most of the time. No venomous ones ever and certainly no giant ones. Kill ya cold in the winter though so I guess in the woods it's pick your poison.

I love the North for the fact that usually or much of the time it's too cold for snakes but I never thought about spiders! If you have to sleep out in the open then they could crawl on you when you're sleeping. I'd probably dream about that!

Hello, Mr. Janton! I Guess You can make a vending machine for almost anything you can sell.
Where are those tarantulas showing up in Texas?

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Howdy sir jiirizarry! Yes, next we'll have pet tarantula vending machines! Those spiders are really increasing in numbers all over North Texas where we are, like the top third of the state, not sure why.

COOL! I never see tarantellas or else I would have blogs with them. Maybe send some of these my way HA HA.

lol! Howdy Rainbow Man! You would think they would be thick over in your neck of the woods. They like humidity. Maybe they'll get there eventually. I assume you have no qualms about spiders. It wouldn't bother you to have them crawling on you? That's the thought that freaks most people out but I know you ain't most people!

Howdy Jonboy! I know we have these same spiders all around the Ozarks. I never see them. Here it is I find that rare and endangered spider back in June before I come across any tarantellas that are common. That is my life. It is the same with finding venomous snakes too. I have a little quarrel about spiders but not much. Brown Recluses are DEAD no matter what.

lol..yeah I just kill all spiders in case they're bad ones to have around. I'm looking forward to seeing a tarantula though, I won't kill those since I know they aren't dangerous. You're saying you WANT to find venomous snakes??

I avoid killing spiders unless they are a Brown Recluse. I won't even kill a Black Widow because I know there is something dark and mysterious about them I haven't figured out yet.

As for snakes go I ALWAYS want to find a snake. Even if it is venomous. I'm not scared of venomous snakes anymore than any other snake. One fun fact about me is that I've NEVER had a fear of snakes. In north America the most venomous snake is a rattle snake so only they would concern me. After having that Copperhead experience last year I'm not scared to get bit at all by them or Cotton Mouths.

Oh wow sir Rainbow Man, that is nuts. lol..to me..about snakes. They creep me out. They always surprise me is one problem. Yeah I guess papa-pepper was okay after getting bit by that Cotton Mouth.

There used to be a gold vending machine in Korea. I have no idea if it is still there. It was in an underground shopping mall connected to a 5 star hotel and department store and subway station in front of a jewelry shop. I bought a 1g 'bar', lol. Actually it's worth more than I paid for it now but I just bought it for the effect.

Personally, I wouldn't want to swim with the spiders, but that's just me.

Very cool sir abitcoinskeptic! I bet you're the only person who has bought gold from a vending machine on this platform. Very interesting and it's location is such a high traffic one that no one would try to steal it or break into it.

I agree, I prefer to swim without spiders too! lol.

I'm sure they are built more like bank ATMs than soda vending machines.

I may be the only one. Maybe I'll write about it and see if I can still find the thing. Perhaps I have an old photo too. However, it was quite some time ago.

Very cool sir, much appreciate the feedback!

That's crazy. No tarantulas around here...but then again I am missing a cat. LOL.

Oh no! lol..I don't mean to laugh but that sounds funny. The largest ones do eat small rodents and snakes, lizards, etc. I hope you find your cat.

Yikes! Creepy, hairy crawlies. Let them stay in Texas with that redneck gentleman.

lol! They say they are pouring into North Texas this year but I haven't even seen any yet. Maybe in the spring. I'll be startled when I see one though!

Would you squash them if you see one coming your way?

No sir Vincent. I kill all spiders just because I don't know if they are dangerous or not and because Mrs. J. hates them but if I saw a tarantula I wouldn't kill it because I know they aren't dangerous and they eat other small critters that are a nuisance.

Having said that though, if there were lots of em, they would make fun targets to shoot! lol. I mean we got too many of em anyway now.

Howdy Jonboy. I see. I was under the impression that tarantula are dangerous.

They say they aren't really a threat to humans because the aren't venomous BUT on rare occasions they can bite you and they said it just feels like a bee sting. But if you give them something to eat before you let them crawl on your head there shouldn't be any problems. lol.

I see. Thanks for the clarification. 😊

Hey janton, my advice would be to have a cold shower and stay away from giant sized tarantula infested waters. I would freak out if one landed on me, lol.

I think that would be a very tingly sensation if they were walking all over you! lol. I'd like to experience that since they aren't venomous.

Scary stuff, please stay away please 😊

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I agree, I'm used to seeing all kinds of critters but these would challenge me to keep cool!

Certainly 🙏
Have a lovely weekend 🙏

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Okaaaayyy, there’s something you don’t see every day. I had no idea that was possible. I mean, I have always kind of liked tarantulas, but I don’t want to come up from a nice swim underwater and find one stuck in my hair! 😁

lol! That presents a freaky image jayna, I agree! Yeah I never thought about them being able to swim, it kind of makes them unstoppable, thank God they aren't venomous! They're invading this part of Texas but I haven't seen one yet. Hopefully I can get some photos when I do!

They are really kind of cool creatures. Do you know why they are invading? What accounts for their increased numbers? I used to see them quite a bit in California. They seemed to favor the hot dry climate south of the Bay Area.

So you aren't bothered by them? They say they like the warm and humid weather here, and it suits them because they are multiplying..maybe it's just a temporary thing. I don't think we really need more spiders here!

Hey, @janton.

Great. First by land, now by sea, and next is airborne. I've seen baby spiders float along on the breeze. Then, it's straight to outerspace because what's left after you've conquered the Earth?

I probably should show my youngest son this video. He hates spiders, and this will give him nightmares for weeks. Maybe months. :)

oh you're so kind! lol..let me know if you really show him that video, I don't think you're that mean! I'm just thankful these things aren't venomous, we have enough dangerous critters here already!

Mornin’ Cowboy! Those spiders are mammoth - 4 inch leg span. Wow! Their legs look like velvet.

I thought tarantulas were poisonous as everyone always seems deadly afraid of them.

Howdy redhealpei! Yes I think people have the wrong impression of them, thank goodness they aren't venomous because we already have enough venomous critters here to watch out for! I'm guessing they don't like the Canadian climate?

All photography very beautiful but i choice 1st photography.

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Howdy shuvo35! I agree, the first photo is very interesting. Thanks so much for commenting!

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Howdy steem-plus! Thanks so much for the upvote!

My nephew has a 'pet' tarantula that he keeps in an aquarium. He always offers to let me hold it just to see my reaction. That is one family pet that I will not be pet sitting for!

lol! Do you ever hold it? It think it would be very tingly to let walk on you!

I don't mind viewing it through the glass, but I feel no need to EVER touch it!

lol. yeah that would be my attitude, interesting to study with the glass between us!

"The spider originally referred to as a Tarantula, was the European Wolf Spider, (Lycosa tarantula). It is large and hairy and often found living in burrows. In South Africa the Tarantula also became known as Baboon Spiders".
Taken from the book "Filmer's Spiders".
Many people keep them as pets here!
Blessings!Ha! We have them here too Sir @janton, lovely little (big) fellows.

Howdy again sir papilloncharity! Oh I bet you guys have lots of giant spiders down there! I can't see having them as pets though. I mean they don't interact with you or show any emotions but I guess they might be interesting to study. Do they bother you?

Blessings!No Sir @janton, they don't bother me, it is the small poisonous ones that get me every time. But it's simply because I walk in their territory in nature.

Well at least you can see the big ones most of the time to avoid them or knock them out of the way.

It would have been nice to see one of those milk vending machines in Spain. Fresh milk isn't used much, there, so you mostly see boxes of that UHT crap in the stores.

Oh that's interesting, fresh milk isn't used much there, I wonder why?

Yeah, I'm not sure why. There are a lot of really good fresh cheeses, though. I did manage to find a place that sold fresh milk, but the selection was very limited. I wonder if most people use the UHT milk for arroz con leche (rice pudding). That's a staple dessert.

Oh that may be a big factor. Is that dessert any good?

Flying Spiders in FLA....!!!

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Oh man! is that for real? Kill em all before they migrate to Texas, we have enough creepy critters here!

OMG! Swimming tarantulas?!?! I would never go in the water. You should have seen my face when you said that they eat the occasional cat. And watching the one on the video gave me the heebie-jeebies. Thanks for the nice shout-out jonboy! Sorry I haven't been visiting your blog. I have only been posting my Giveaway because I have been taking care of my very sick cat, Pachino. I thought I was going to have to put him down. He is doing much better and hopefully I can get back to posting daily on Steemit now. Hope you are doing well! Hugs!

There you are! I'm so sorry to hear about Pachino, what did he have? Jack(did I tell you about our German Shepard, Jack?) has been sick with some kind of stomach flu type of thing, mostly at night of course, all night, so that has been some rough nights.

Of course then he gets to sleep all day and recover! lol. I miss talkin to ya but I understand. I knew you would get a kick out of the tarantula post. lol.

I just did a post about Pachino and it tells you all about the scare he gave me.
Yes, I knew about Jack and I am so sorry that he has been sick. I bet he ate too many tarantulas. Yes, I loved your tarantula post. LOL! I have missed talking to you too. Hugs!

Howdy today Butterfly! Yeah Jack must have just had a stomach virus or something because it just lasted 2 days and now he's back to full health.
I'll go read your post!