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RE: Voting Bot Offline for a Few Days and Back Online Now!

in #busy7 years ago

Yes, when I see Coca Cola billboard I know it was paid and it is their to promote their product. Now is up to me if I will register it or not. Steemit principle is if post has higher upvote it os good and it is worth of reading. But high upvotes from bots or whales are doing opposite.


You can't get votes if noone can find you. Bid bots are just one of the solutions for this, though.

Yes. And here would some algorithm solve this problem. In Appics will be curators. So we will se how it will work

Steemit principle is if post has higher upvote it os good and it is worth of reading.

All that glitters is not gold.

A post could have a massive payout and still be trash. The same way a heavily prompted product could end up being a disappoinment.

Steemit works like the real world, there's no utopia over here.

Indeed. And here will someone offer "democracy". Sola tried something but not good enough. We will se Ono and Appics how it will work. Trending should be for good not by rich content