Quoteswithtam #5

in #busy7 years ago

That feeling when sunday is over and you can feel monday creeping in.. It's frightening for many people as they are basically stressing over the stress that they could have over the week. But what is stress?

Quote #5


I love this quote and honestly can't say that much about it. It's for you to figure out what value it has to you personally. For me, it's a great reminder that stress is something you create yourself. Any moment can be beautiful if you are present and do not expect anything.

  • Did you get less work done today than yesterday? Accept it and work harder tomorrow.
  • Did you expect to finish all your work today because you expect excellence of yourself at all times and are now disappointed and stressed that you won't have enough time? Freak out and spend the the next day feeling miserable and being even less productive.

As you can see, our #mind is our worst enemy at some times. I wish for a lifestyle free of worry and stress, and the only way I can achieve that is by not expecting anything and accepting everything.

Have a great new week, hopefully with less stress!


In this society we have today, there is so little time to be yourself. So pull the plug guys once and awhile.