Any coin capable of outputting a memo can be used to create a multi coin social media dapp.

in #busy6 years ago

I brought this up on a Novusphere thread but its something I think all coin holders should know about. If your coin can output a memo then it can fairly easily be included in a social media dapp. Right now Novusphere is the most likely contender.

A quote from the Novusphere dev himself.

I've actually previously talked about this. novusphere-db is blockchain agnostic, so it's entirely possible and not all that difficult for something like this to be done… the only 2 things that really needs to be done is adding code into the client to communicate with X blockchain (i.e. broadcast transactions, etc) and writing a plugin for novusphere-db to monitor said blockchain. It's definitely something I am thinking about for in the future.

The network effect of something like this is outstanding. It also directly addresses problems with slower coins by allowing us to sign a transaction with multiple coins at the same time. For example if I prefer ETH for posting the message I can do that but I can also sign a transaction on EOS or XRP at the exact same time. The dapp can then search all of the blockchains to find information on duplicate posts and then provide you with the one that comes up first. But if your message is ever taken down from one blockchain there could be many others that still have the same message. Every coin can have its own version of the dapp as well. If you dont like EOS you can simply rework Novusphere to work with ETH instead.

As long as memos follow a specific guideline then its possible that a single dapp can audit tons of different blockchains and find posts to display. Imagine being able to respond to someone on steemit with an ETH wallet. Why not do this? All the memo needs to do is display relevant data so the dapp knows that a post on steemit is being responded to by a post on TRX or NEO.

On top of that, Novusphere also already shows that its possible to interact with centralized services such as reddit. All that is required is a bot.

It would make it completely impossible to censor. Like 100% impossible. Combined with IPSF for file sharing this would basically destroy any hopes of censorship ever happening ever again.

This would straight up be the death of censorship full stop.

Reddit thread