What is it that can make agan suddenly so not morale work? Loss, deadlines are stacked, or even tired of that job-that's it? * the real reason may be because nobody is cute in the office.
Some of these reasons can make it difficult for us to move on from vacation, yes. But the things that make us not work morale should be removed immediately. Because why? Because if the lazy work, later deadlines not finished, deadlines not finished means the target company is not achieved. If the long-target target is not achieved later the company went bankrupt. Companies go bankrupt so we can not get more income because of being laid off. Laid-off wife gets angry. Waduuhh !! Please hold TS let me not lebay.
Maybe the effect is not as big as the TS said above, but bad mood in the work very easily spread to your colleagues lho. So agan should be a happy virus in the office let our partners can also more morale work.
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