If you eventually managed to finish reading my last extremely long blog you’ll be pleased to hear this is considerably shorter and although it appears that life had calmed down for a while, it still had its moments!
For fear of repeating myself, another long journey saw the Polish couple and myself arrive in Yangshuo renowned throughout China, if not the whole world, as it features on the 20 Yuan notes and also made it on to the back drop of Star Wars Episode 3.
For our first full day we hired push bikes to get out of the tourist hell-hole of bars, clubs and shops! The beautiful scenery here is a common subject of Chinese paintings as well as the inspiration for poetry but certainly attracts the tourists as well. Although able to get closer to the amazing landscape and farming communities, cycling does have its limitations so we went back to the bar to swap bikes for scooters! By this time we had met others and spent a fabulous evening lighting a fire in a cave, sharing stories and got some beer flowing.
The following day the scooters took us further afield to the ancient village of Xingping; I felt like a real local and horn stomper! We actually walked the river to the exact 20 Yuan scenic spot. The end of the day saw me on my own though as the others had got too cold to explore further. However, I was having far too much fun on the scooter to stop, I wanted to see what I could get out of her.
After leaving Yangshuo I needed a taxi, while trying to bargain a price the driver took off with my rucksack so I had no option but to give in. Yet another train ride, 21 hours, but I made sure this time I had a bed, much more comfortable than my previous experience but I did have to contend with screaming kids and a guy who decided he did not need headphones for his TV series which just seemed to be full of wailing and crying women. Whilst the lady in the bed opposite took photos, with the flash on, of me in bed!!!!...
@djimirji up!