As many accounts as you have, that's gotta require a good bit of time! Speaking of which, I'm curious, is there a master plan for the accounts you've created or are you just having fun?
Actually It doesn’t take that much time at all. In about 1/2 hr I can get a new account and set it up on steemauto and start curating automatically. Join some good curation trails and the account is off and running supporting other Steemians.
Yeah I get you. I usually struggle to keep an eye on everyone in my feed, let alone find new Steemians to support. Especially those super length posts that take for ever to read.
Dude, I don’t even really like writing those longer posts. Yet, that is the only way to get a decent vote around this place. LOL. SHIT POST CENTRAL HERE I COME. 😜😜
Let me ask you then, how many presents/gifts will you get for others this holiday? Dandays and I never get gifts for each other, we don’t get them for others either. I take that back, when we first got married we bought gifts for my family from Costa Rica because we were in a white elephant exchange with them. I didn’t want them thinking we were Scrooge’s either but now I don’t care anymore. It’s a shame what Christmas has turned into- all a marketing/consumerism ploy to feed our narcissitic, glutenous wants of More More More.
So, how many presents are you giving this year Scrooge? Haha
Too many by the sounds of things! Umm... well wifey love the Christmas giving thing. When our kids were younger she would set a budget for each of them. Then once we'd spent that, she would go buy them more stuff.
Luckily it's not as bad now the kids a older. We usually just give them some cash and a token gift.
I used to love Christmas shopping too- super guilty! Within the past couple years I’ve changed my tune drastically. Although, I have the luxury to do so being we don’t have kids. I think if you have kids it’s much harder to come to my realization (opinion). That’s not to say we don’t celebrate though. @dandays and I write some stuff to each other and send out cards, along with plates of treats to people. So I guess we still be giving gifts too :)
I've been lurking mostly. Haven't taken many photos lately so it was either post low quality bullshit or space my posts out more. I've been trying to get around to commenting and interacting more but I'm easily distracted.
Plus this is Q4 so it's the busy season for my non crypto/photography related enterprise, I've had less free time lately than I normally do.
Plus this is Q4 so it's the busy season for my non crypto/photography related enterprise, I've had less free time lately than I normally do.
Oooo... now that's got my intrigued. No don't tell me let me guess. Umm... ah, I know, Your a Turkey plucker. That would keep you busy this time of year 😂
Ha, now you're making me hungry. I'm a 3rd party seller on Amazon, I basically buy stuff on sale/wholesale, mark it up a few hundred percent and ship it to Amazon and they handle the rest (for lots of fees of course). It's kinda nice, the slow season for Amazon coincides with the best weather for taking photos.
Oh yeah, definitely worth it. You just pass the fees on to the customer so the only effect they have is on how many items are profitable to sell. Since I live in an area with a relatively low cost of living it don't take much effort to find stuff that is profitable.
Prior to starting to sell on Amazon I'd bought a grand total of two items from the site (both knives that are probably illegal in the UK) so I was completely amazed (and continue to be) when I discovered that you can mark up items several hundred percent and people will cheerfully buy them on Amazon.
Did you say....FISH???

Shit man... that one looked vicious.
I’m guilty...I’ve been busy...doin...Life I really do want to have more time to get my STEEM ON, you know what I am saying??
As many accounts as you have, that's gotta require a good bit of time! Speaking of which, I'm curious, is there a master plan for the accounts you've created or are you just having fun?
Actually It doesn’t take that much time at all. In about 1/2 hr I can get a new account and set it up on steemauto and start curating automatically. Join some good curation trails and the account is off and running supporting other Steemians.
Hmm, I've been thinking about setting up another account, if it's that easy I'm going to have to. How/where do you do it at and how much does it cost?
Blocktrades is where you can get accounts, they cost like 3-5 Steem
Thanks! I think it's about time to have some fun!
Isn’t that kinda spammy?
Not bashing ya 😘
Honestly asking
All the accounts do is upvote. So is upvoting is spammy than we all are spamming. Lol
Good point 😘
Excuse me this morning
It’s been a weird night
Yeah I get you. I usually struggle to keep an eye on everyone in my feed, let alone find new Steemians to support. Especially those super length posts that take for ever to read.
Dude, I don’t even really like writing those longer posts. Yet, that is the only way to get a decent vote around this place. LOL. SHIT POST CENTRAL HERE I COME. 😜😜
Haha... there's loads doing it man... even me 😁
I wish I was fishing. I am working instead. Blah.
Damn dude... you wanna give that up! It's not good for you ya'know. Lol
They sure have my friend. Maybe once Christmas is over people will jump aboard again 🤷🏼♀️
Huh, Christmas, the over commercialized, stressful time of year that many could probably do without.
Shit!... did that make me sound like scrooge or what!?!
Let me ask you then, how many presents/gifts will you get for others this holiday? Dandays and I never get gifts for each other, we don’t get them for others either. I take that back, when we first got married we bought gifts for my family from Costa Rica because we were in a white elephant exchange with them. I didn’t want them thinking we were Scrooge’s either but now I don’t care anymore. It’s a shame what Christmas has turned into- all a marketing/consumerism ploy to feed our narcissitic, glutenous wants of More More More.
So, how many presents are you giving this year Scrooge? Haha
Too many by the sounds of things! Umm... well wifey love the Christmas giving thing. When our kids were younger she would set a budget for each of them. Then once we'd spent that, she would go buy them more stuff.
Luckily it's not as bad now the kids a older. We usually just give them some cash and a token gift.
But yeah... like I said tooooooo many!
I used to love Christmas shopping too- super guilty! Within the past couple years I’ve changed my tune drastically. Although, I have the luxury to do so being we don’t have kids. I think if you have kids it’s much harder to come to my realization (opinion). That’s not to say we don’t celebrate though. @dandays and I write some stuff to each other and send out cards, along with plates of treats to people. So I guess we still be giving gifts too :)
I've been lurking mostly. Haven't taken many photos lately so it was either post low quality bullshit or space my posts out more. I've been trying to get around to commenting and interacting more but I'm easily distracted.
Plus this is Q4 so it's the busy season for my non crypto/photography related enterprise, I've had less free time lately than I normally do.
Oooo... now that's got my intrigued. No don't tell me let me guess. Umm... ah, I know, Your a Turkey plucker. That would keep you busy this time of year 😂
That's a swing and a miss. That would be an interesting job to have, at least for a few days... Want to take another swing at it?
Uh... alright... you wrap the bacon around the mini sausages to make 'Pigs in blankets'!
Google images
Ha, now you're making me hungry. I'm a 3rd party seller on Amazon, I basically buy stuff on sale/wholesale, mark it up a few hundred percent and ship it to Amazon and they handle the rest (for lots of fees of course). It's kinda nice, the slow season for Amazon coincides with the best weather for taking photos.
Oh wow... I never would of guessed! Is it worth the effort... and fees?
Oh yeah, definitely worth it. You just pass the fees on to the customer so the only effect they have is on how many items are profitable to sell. Since I live in an area with a relatively low cost of living it don't take much effort to find stuff that is profitable.
Prior to starting to sell on Amazon I'd bought a grand total of two items from the site (both knives that are probably illegal in the UK) so I was completely amazed (and continue to be) when I discovered that you can mark up items several hundred percent and people will cheerfully buy them on Amazon.
Since nobody else is brining up the elephant in the room!
Price price price
Sadly it’s probably a huge reason some have lost interest!
You might be right @artgirlnyc, but can I just ask...
What size pot do you need for that then?
That's hilarious... thanks for the giggle 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣