yea and then i thought, what would this look like with a ghost-writer, and editor and some boss-man involved who wants to SELL to the common denominator first, not just make enough FIRST ?
for teh lulz, i made the original post first so if steemit still does what it does it should be there somewhere in the matrix
yagh yah ... oldskool c64, i was more like appgamekit emulation of ...
easier to read insted of posting
LDA($D000),0 etc
POKE 53280,0 or
set border black haha , which one do you think ?
i know, and i know and i KNOW
ofcourse ! So , the rendering ... which is fine, because that means the vote is free for something else and i re-do the post because i dont have my haiku yet ... its all fine, all is fine except my life and about everything around it :) assuming if anyone reads this you have read the previous post on how to do the @goldmanmorgan logo, which ended up like this from a blank slate well, you start from there ... as with all things computer, its a bit of a shame if you have something and you think it a good idea to not start from there, but to take a new piece of the mountain unshaped and start chiseling from scratch and then you do this and after that you do that et voila previous post you switch the texture on the background for another one, you switch the font in the text object for for ??? another one ! you edit the text to look like ... something else ! now in this case i also added five spheres in an attempt to make it a bit more #steemit (its gotta be #steemit right? or the inquisition will come for you ... mapping a sphere is not really the simplest thing but if you just want a texture up front on it ? press tab tab for edit (after you right click to select the object) create that material and texture (as explained in previous post press U -> unwrap , it will take some fiddling if you just want to map a square bitmap on a 3D-sphere (does that make sense ? because that makes sense to me) mind you this is not micro-editing, right, you can basically select EVERY single face or vertex (a face is a square for easy lingo, which in turn is in fact usually three triangles, thats why they call it polygons i think although a square is by definition a polygon too as far as i know, since its not a straight line or a dot . am i speaking in brackets again ? yes i am thats because that's how i think ... my thought gets interrupted and i finish the inner one first ... makes me unreadable , but i kinda talk like that too ... see there -> and then need a daily post because if you dont need time for all that you could basically select each single face on the sphere and colour or texture it separately, not only that, but you can give it different levels of transparency, specularity, light emission, reflection ... like EVERYTHING you would get in what pixar and dreamworks use to weave their magic in this case, i just slapped a bitmap on it :) that's what it looks like and this is what it looks like when rendered well there's a plane on bottom too, which i set to reflect (makes it somewhat of a mirror) the spheres are partly transparent and lightly reflective but too much specular still so it looks plastic-like this is not a lesson, this is a demonstration of what you get for free ... which is good because its seriously underpaid and i got stuff to do , sorry, i'll try to go a little more in depth on the animated one later but i think it will be berniesanders style tomorrow, after all, if the man can do it then me as "knowyourplacepeasant"guy, should be allowed to too, right :p well, my sarcasm is mistaken all the time, im not complaining about anything but flaggers, downvoters and in general the state of my life as defined by third parties beyond my power i WISH i could do a berniesanders daily and take that as a baseline to be able to focus on the "real" projects, that would be nice ... dont mistake me for hacking at the guy here wut ? do you REALLY think i remember what i wrote on top of this post ? that's three hours ago, its not like i rehearse or something ... i dont know, probably a few cusswords and something rant-ish mixed with the rest while doing a little bit here and there the usual i'm never gonna function like that schoolstuff, precious, if you were to force me in a square you'd have to break me HAH .. yea well thats actually not funny, it got me more trouble than convenience so far i know and your average if you break me i am broken phew ... with that alarm clock at 8:30 this morning (while i get to bed at around 5 normally ... people like OMG YOURE UP EARLY and me like im NOT, i got up at midnight ... and then like WEIRD - o ...) good ... recycled code it wont keep doing that but i have the account, it has 16something sp and it might as well give minimal notches to everyone who voted on the distros for as long as its inactive ... maar dat was niet masjen, dus dat was niet weirken ... en dat mag niet zijn im tired ... 3pm ... that's it for todaylight i know i know ... i once had a girl from indonesia think 'im a scientologist because i was going on about predicting the future if you had mastered all causality since the big bang up until now (as opposed to pre-destinion where a cause or action gives reaction but does not imply reason) in the "church of stephen hawking" (physics) ... she never talked to me again hahah ... or i'm rude and stuff and all that but you know ... you werent there, you arent here and im not there, im here ... i dont really care about anything but my cat, frankly i used to a lot ... sapients drew that right out of me, yea and that too, but i dont assume or presume to be anything, if anything i know i know nothing like that greek dude ... so the oracle likes me at least :) probably cos i speak in tongues yagh, and i keep yapping, ... today on the menu is "not-haute-cuisine-for-your-girlfriend" but a mash of something thats locally appreciated :) GOOD ... (or not) i know its tasty to me ...
that said,
i had to get up early for the doc, so i might as well try and do some housestuff, maybe after that i'll, according to that-is-how-its-done in the
The straight lines between the squares are "edges" and the DOTS (you know a line starts on one dot and ends in another) are vertices (correct me if im wrong, im not the blender guru )
it happensthat's your "UV-sphere" , if you WANT and you dont have to like do your own dishes and cook and make sure no new life starts growing in dark corners and juggle some stuff because you said you would do it indefinitely and you WANT to because a few people actually appreciate it, and you want that @goldmanmorgan to get on with it (and it does, i just checked the numbers, it works, had new payout, it simply calculates everything apart from a few like "loans paid off" but accounts credited % and all that works ... that didnt happen by itself, i actually had to wreck my amateur brain for that while will-o-wisping around with ADD and whatnot, ) always fails to understand that
i'm already yawning
you wouldnt have the audacity to complain that i selfvote more than 30% this week right ?
“Let us leave this room, said Melancthe. It reeks of the brain.”
― Jack Vance, The Green Pearl
and hungry

@oceanwhale. Visit for details!You got a 32.07% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @rudyardcatling! Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @rudyardcatling, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.