I usually like to take images of flowers and sharing them with you friends.While as I am sharing the images I am taking part in The contests of Petals of Flowers which is an an idea of @adrianobalan and @sardrt.
While participating in the contest I have seen many beautiful entries and the best are chosen for the rewards.
The Images are Captured by Me
Thanks for Stopping by Everyone
Some of my previous posts.
- Someday you will look back and realize YOUR STRUUGLES changed YOUR LIFE for better
- Everyday is a Gift to us
- Meeting people has reasons, either you need them to change your life or you are the one who helps to change theirs.
- The Natural Beauty
- Thinking is difficult, That is why most people Judge
- The contests of Petals - Yellowflowerday - Orchid
- Learning to accept your mistakes that shows that You have Grown
- Ulog Day Two || Being in the Nature
- The Contests of Petals ~ Flowers ~ Roses open weekend

Amazing shot, good luck with contest, my friend !)
Thanks my friend !