Now I'll introduce you to my Pets! They live in our home town! Two big and good dogs! Their names are Bim and Bulsey!
BIM as a man of great cunning and clever!
Bulsey as a kid-excellent docile, very correct. Sometimes we call our dog's name is bun )))
See, they're bigger than us two times!
Hi #busy
.......................................... @RAWMISS .............................................
Say hi to Bum and Bulsey for me! They're scuteee.
Thank you! They are cool!!!
Потрясающие собаки! 😍
Да Дашуль тебе бы они понравились!😻Бима настоящее воплощение льва 😁
Какие красавчики) 😍
Это точно! 🙈😻
@OriginalWorks vote please
Bim and Bulsey looks adorable.
Oh yeah! Thank you!!!
This post has received a 1.64 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @rawmiss
You weren't kidding about them being big. Dogs are always great family members. It's nice to see that you have a few yours!
Yes, no kidding! The evidence is right in front of you)) You are right we love them very much!
Is that a Great Dane ?
Замечательные милые и добрые бабаки!!! ( ; Булочька и Бим 💖
Они ждали твоего комментария !😃 Приглашаю тебя к нам в гости на дачу душевно провести уикенд и пожамкать этих добрых пушистиков! Уверена они тебя полюбят!❤️👏
They are huge! I've always wanted a dog but parents never got me anything bigger then a hamster....
Hamster)))) I know that they are awesome! Here is a photo of my family and BIM are now often and is at our house))) my family :
почему я это пропустила?!?! какие замечательные огромные мягкие звери!!! хочуууу тискать!
Оооо да! Они потрясающие!!!