Says the group of people that are psychopathically stalking and harassing me after being told numerous times to fuck off. You need some help, and a dictionary. Now buzz off, don't comment on my blog again. Also FYI, I'm a part of said community dipshit. You have failed to realize you're harassing and bullying a disabled gay man. By a trans woman that acts just like my abusive ex no less.
You guys need to really learn what abusers look like. I've been through it before with my Ex and now I'm going through it again with a trans woman and you're taking the side of an abuser. You can do that all you want, but do it on your own blog, not on mine. I don't wish to see people defending abusers on my blog.
Honey, you keep posting click bait to drag us over here. But that's been explained to you before. I'm sorry but what lie did you need me to believe? Are you part of the community because in the last round of this you said very clearly that you where straight, had a girlfriend and were simply trolling us. Now you want to be part of the community? And when we respond to your boorish public behavior you play victim and wine? Sweetums, the world is not like that, you can't act as though there are no consequences to your chosen actions. I was more than polite to you, am still being more than polite to you, you can mute me at any time, the is a public forum and I will correct information that is false. Mainly alllllllllllllll the shit you've been talking. Now stop lying and move on and I will leave, continue and I will pop in to correct what your lying about, simples.