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RE: 吃后感#6-我茶 瓷之味 | 像吃Fine Dining一样品台湾料理

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Fine Dining又称作正餐,一般较多出现在西餐(尤其法餐)和高级日料中,以法餐为例,通常包括这几道: Amuse Bouche 、Starter、Soup、 Fish Course、Sorbet、Main Course、Cheese Course、Dessert以及Petit Four。一般价格都不低,1000+是常态。说实话,我还真没试过地道的法式Fine Dining,融合其他菜系元素的Fine Dining倒是试过几家。仪式感没有法餐或者怀石那么重,反而多了几分创意和灵动~

Indonesian language:
Dining, juga dikenal sebagai makan malam, umumnya ditemukan di kelas bahasa Jepang Barat (Prancis, khususnya) dan kelas atas, dengan Prancis sebagai contoh, biasanya termasuk: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Kursus Keju, Dessert dan Petit Four. Harga umum tidak rendah, 1000 + normal. Sejujurnya, saya benar-benar tidak mencoba French Fine Dining otentik, perpaduan unsur masakan lainnya Fine Dining menyentuh beberapa. Ritual tanpa French atau Kaishi begitu berat, tapi sedikit lebih kreatif dan cerdas ~

English language:
Fine Dining, also known as dinner, is commonly found in Western Japanese (French, in particular) and upper class Japanese, with French for example, usually including: Amuse Bouche, Starter, Soup, Fish Course, Sorbet, Main Course Cheese Course, Dessert and Petit Four. The general price is not low, 1000 + normal. To be honest, I really did not try the authentic French Fine Dining, a blend of other Fine Dining ingredients touching some elements. The ritual without French or Kaishi is so heavy, but a bit more creative and smarter ~