I've lots of options for that. I get a few people contacting me via steemit chat. I like Keybase as it's using good encryption, but I'll use Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram or WowApp if those are convenient for people. I'm steevc on most things. I'll reserve email for special cases as it's harder to block people on that.
I've lots of options for that. I get a few people contacting me via steemit chat. I like Keybase as it's using good encryption, but I'll use Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram or WowApp if those are convenient for people. I'm steevc on most things. I'll reserve email for special cases as it's harder to block people on that.
Hmm, Weekday about messenger?

I'm looking for something to put in my signature, to foster real dialog and relationship.
I'm on Facebook too, but that's just for close friends. There's just too many chat apps these days. I have different contacts on each
I use fours different e-mails, and then Signal for messaging and voip. I used to use XMPP, but people stopped using it so now it is Signal...
here is my post about this: Secure OpenSource Decentralized P2P Communication Software of the Future! — Steemit