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RE: How much it really costs the clothing companies to produce what they sell to us?

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

It's really shocking, that fashion industry is number 2 in environmental pollution, it shouldn't be like that. It has many cheap workers from third world countries (like you said, Bangladesh) who are abused and work a lot for little money.
We have many clothes shops and we really don't need so many clothes, we should reduce that. I have many clothes myself, but I wear them for years and take care of them, I don't change them quickly.
And if they are still wearable after some years or you don't like them anymore or can't wear them anymore or whatever you can always

  • give them to charity organizations
  • give them to people, that need them
  • exchange them for other clothes or other stuff
  • sell them for a symbolic price or donate them to those who can't afford to buy them.

It's also great to visit second-hand shops sometimes, but not so many people are satisfied with that yet. I still think their popularity is growing.

It's sad that so many fires break out and endanger people's lives (many have already died), it's also such a waste of hard work, materials, ...

It's worrying that money and profit matters so much, and not only in the fashion industry and other non-fashion companies, but generally.