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RE: So You Want To Be An Early Adopter

in #busy6 years ago

I couldn't agree more.

This is an exciting time to be alive! I constantly ask people if they've heard of bitcoin and 98% of them have not. That right there proves I'm right on the edge of this new frontier. And Steemit is the first (and only?) platform right now in which a cryptocurrency has a particular use. Despite its setbacks, the concept behind Steemit rocks. This "social media platform", if you can even call it that, actually earns a living for some. That's amazing. And for underprivileged families in third world countries that have just developed Internet access, Steemit is a Godsend and a revolution. And with that said, when the Steem blockchain goes down, so do these families' earnings. We must think about that as we move forward with new improvements. So long as Steemit Inc is thinking about it's broader community, this will be a very successful place to be in the very near future.


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