I had a situation very related to this. I had been going through severe on and off depression. It got so bad that I couldn't even function at times. I got concerned and started to wonder if I had low testosterone. It made perfect sense because I'd always had a difficult time putting on muscle and my voice, though not super high, didn't get as deep as my brothers' voices. I got tested and awaited the results, certain that it would come back below average, I would get on replacement therapy, and all my problems would go away and I'd start crushing life.
Anyways, I got the results and it turned out that my levels were actually in a pretty healthy range for someone of my age. I instantly stopped being depressed the moment I realized I was perfectly normal. I told myself I simply had to work harder and force myself to be happy. It actually worked. I'm back in the gym, getting bigger and stronger and I'm publishing on Steemit again after a two month break.
Solid post man, it really resonates with me.
Pretty nice little gif Laboo , you put the first smile of the day on my face 😊👌
Thanks, glad you like em!