I really agree with the rep. I feel like along with we tend to look at post which have bigger payouts and most of the time it's just people paying for bots. Sometimes when I have time I try to just find random posts where you can see the effort was there and try and connect with people.
Keep up the good work I'm trying to comment a bit more as well and interact rather then just posting myself.
Thats the way to go. For us lots more money could be made with commenting than with writing posts!
Just make sure that they are genuine!
Don’t focus on the upvotes but focus on the interaction!
The upvotes will come! I can assure you! Do you already participate in @abh12345 engagement league, this is a must do!
@fullcoverbetting I haven't heard of it! I will definitely check it out tomorrow morning when I get a chance.. assuming what I think it is by the name seems like something I'd really enjoy! cheers :D
For sure you must :)