This is an absolutely incredible story! First off I'm in awe that the little bird would come back to you after it first learned to fly. How cool is that?!?!
From your story you sound like you have such a gentle soul and warm heart. It's amazing that you were able to locate why she was getting sick and fix it with lemon juice. And who knew? Lemon juice! I love that you were able to save the little birds life. I don't know if I would have had the patience like you! I would have thought all is lost.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and pictures of bringing this little bird from baby to adult and from sickness to life again. Good on you and keep sharing your stories.
thank you @jocqua, it is the connection we have had so far, she knew I have food for her and she is comfortable to be with me so far. it is not my first time for me to rise up little finch bird. There are at least 12 nests on the trees around my home, it about 2 or 3 meter away from my porch. At first time, it was a year ago, I found 5 little birds from the fallen tree. I raised them all, but one of them did not make till grown up, and from those 4, then they made 2 nests around, but know there are many of them, I believe that they are from the 4 first I adopted.
I love her very much, that is why I tried my best to find the cure, thank for stopping by my blog
No problem @el-nailul! Keep up the great work your'e doing with the bird life around your home. From what I read and the pictures you've shared, it seems like you're doing a great job at supporting their little ecosystem. I wish you luck with your new friend and I hope she continues to thrive!