Honey is often used as a sugar substitute sweetener. However, the benefits of honey not only on sweetness. This sweet liquid has benefits both for our body and skin health.
- Pressing cough
The quality of a good honey can be an emergency medicine when coughing attack. This natural sweetener is just as effective as the dextrometrofan substance commonly used as a cough reliever in over-the-counter medicines.
Honey can serve as a pain reliever and form a membrane in the tenggerokan that can give a sense of relief and relieve cough irritation. Consume 2 teaspoons of honey before bed, then sleep will be more soundly and cough lighter the next day.
- Fix cholesterol
Research from Dubai found that compared to people who received glucose solution, those who consume water with 75 grams of natural honey for 15 days experienced a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol.
Read: Really Drinking Green Tea Can Lower Cholesterol?
- Moisturize the skin
According to the dermatologist Patrivia Farris, honey can serve as a natural moisturizer because the sugar molecules in it can hold water from the skin.
Honey can produce a layer of film on the skin that can lock water and increase moisture. That is why experts advise us to use skin care products containing honey extract.
- Treating acne
According to Joey Green, author of Joey Green's Magic Health Remedie, the antimicrobial properties of honey can reduce the inflammation of acne.
To treat acne with honey, mix the honey and nutmeg in the same amount. Then, apply on acne and leave for 20 minutes before washing with water.
Read: Identify the Characteristics of Dengue Acne due to Hormone Factors
- Relieves sore throat
In addition to relieve cough, honey can act as a mild antibacterial that is very useful when we are sore throat.
Pour half a cup of water with a teaspoon of grated ginger, then add juice made from lemon and a teaspoon of honey tea. Then, use all the ingredients as a mouthwash in the throat.
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