How intimate are you with your money?

in #busy6 years ago

I'm going to go right out and say it. I love my money.

That's not to say that I'm in love with the idea of money, or that I feel as though money should make the world go round.


It does make it go round though. If you want to be standing on the top of that financial globe, then you need money in your pockets, money in your wallet, and money in the bank.

Money, money, money.

Money doesn't come easy though. At least not when the crypto markets are down like they have been this year.

I work in a restaurant. I work every single day, seven days a week.

Do I love it? No. I don't really love dealing with screaming kids, entitled businessmen, and all manner of people who consider me low on the totem because I am serving them.

Not everyone that comes out to eat is like that, but we do get a large share of those people around here.

Of course I always tell myself I'm not really a restaurant worker. I'm a writer.

That's not really paying the bills though.


Working at a restaurant everyday, everyday, everyday. That is paying the bills.

Most people that I know don't have a fat bank account. In fact, I would argue that most people on the planet are living hand to mouth.

There are certainly months when I'm living that way, and other months when I've done better than expected in the restaurant field.

I'm careful with my money though, because I know that good things often come to an end.

It's really rare that I thought I buy any large ticket items. You see, I'd rather feel the texture of that money in my wallet.... and know that I have it then go give it to someone else...... even if it means I get something in return.

Many of my friends will actually drink their profits and earnings away. When I was younger I took part in different activities like that, but I don't usually get off on that nowadays.

The truth is those kinds of activities cost a great deal of money. That's money you won't get back.


However, one must investigate the quality of life that one lives. Money certainly is a net that we can fall on. If something is to happen and you've got money, you're probably going to be okay.

On the other hand, if you lose your job or something similar you better look for a source of money real quick.

If you like to read, and you also like money, you have to ask yourself.... is it worth it spend money on several books every month? That can add up to a couple of hundred dollars for a constant reader.

The same thing applies to videos and video streaming. I know several people that constantly rent digital movies at $5 a pop. If you rent one every single night then you're looking at $150 a month.

If you compare that to a month's worth of Netflix, then you looking at something at $11 versus $150.

That's a big difference. However, you won't always get to watch every movie that you are interested in if you have Netflix. In fact, I have found their selection to be somewhat lacking lately.

Maybe you like to go out to the movies. Last time I went I think I spent about $20. The movie itself was maybe $10 or $11 and then of course there's popcorn and a drink.


My brother goes to the movies about 5 times a month. That's $100 easily.

What about going out to eat? I love when people go out to eat, because I work at a restaurant and that means that they are helping me to pay my bills.

I also love going out to eat because food is delicious. However, I am much more likely to cook at the house because I find I can actually get by on about $5 if I buy meat and vegetables and cook it in a pot together. I'm talking about $5 for lunch and dinner.

You can definitely save a lot of money by shopping at the grocery store instead of going out to eat.

However, quality of life comes into effect once again. If you love going out to eat then you definitely should do it once in awhile. Otherwise you are being uncool to yourself.

I know a girl that works all the time. I see her everyday because I work all the time too. However, I like to live a happy life.

That means being nice to people, doing things that I want to do, eating what I want to eat, reading what I want to read, watching what I want to watch, and generally living the life that I want to live. I mean, I do wish I made more money and I do wish that my writing had taken off more, but for the most part I feel good about who I am and what I have.


The reason I mention this is because that girl loves watching TV. She talks about TV shows every single day. She's always telling me about the latest episode of this show or that show. Yet she has a 20 inch TV.

This is a girl that works constantly, and is absolutely in love with watching TV shows, but has not been able to buy herself that expensive TV. I'm quite certain that at some point she had enough money to do it..... because I've seen her rake in the bucks, and I know she doesn't have that many expenses.

She's making a decision though. Don't spend the money.

I understand that decision. As I said earlier, I much prefer the feel of money in my wallet to the feel of giving that money away to someone else.

However, I also like living a happy life.

A balance must be maintained. You don't want to go overboard by just giving your money away on any little frivolous thing, but at the same time you must make sure that you are buying yourself the things that will make you happy.


After all, no matter how you may feel about life, we're all here for a limited time. Do what you need to do to be happy.

If that means letting go of a little bit of that money in order to purchase something that will increase the quality of life then I absolutely recommend that you do it.

How intimate are you with your money?


agree with your post.. regarding about money... sadlly the reality says different.. everyone does need it...

Money makes the world go round.

True and it's very true @jumps

I think I have good balance. I am frugal in certain areas but use that frugality to plan trips. It's different for everybody.

Definitely. Everyone is different.

Money won't buy you happiness.

But it will allow you to hire an entire team to work on the problem.



Very well said.

Money is like you have to sweat for it and in the long run u will have to look dirty, feel sick, come from the job when u have been insulted all these comes from the essence of fighting to get money indeed money is hard to get

That is true.

Maybe she especially likes TV shows on a tiny screen. Or maybe she's saving for her own in-home theatre to watch TV

Posted using Partiko Android

I think she's afraid to buy it.... I hope she does though.

first of all people who are rude or have an attitude towards a waiter or any other working person are "sub-humans" to me (except if the waiter or the working person is rude too). I literally broke up with a girl because she was rude to waiters :P

Back to our subject now! My biggest fear is the following that you mentioned

On the other hand, if you lose your job or something similar you better look for a source of money real quick.

That i try to avoid overdoing something like waste money on drinks, delivery, food at restaurants, cinema, expensive clothes etc etc. It's not that i don't like them but if you really think about it most of these things aren't really necessary, it's more like an illusion of happiness. Thus i try be very careful with my spending but at the same time i try to keep a balance. For example when the Avengers came out (all of them) i went to the cinema to watch them but only these films. another example: i have 2 jackets one more light and one for more extreme temperatures. I won't go and buy another one till one of these 2 is worn out.

Also 2 other things

  1. check if the bid-bot you are paying for promoting the post has a good return in your money. A couple of months ago that i did a bit of research in that matter showed me that mostly anyone using these services losses money. (i don't know if things change now but just informing you cause it's very relevant to your post)
  2. Is the TV-Show girl beautiful? :P

I'm with you, I hate parting with money for things that do not bring me joy and lots of it!

The older I get the more I lean away from material or ego items and more for great food or experiences.

Good news, money tends to gravitate to those who take care of it!

Indeed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that really suck that know how to take care of their money and there are a lot of people that are awesome that spend it as though it were water.

I agree with you though. Experiences are the best part of life.

It is power. I think money play an important role. I am in love with idea of money because I can do a whole lot of things with it. If they earn money with a thought of spending it for something good, their life is heaven.
Selfish lifestyle always lead to depression, no matter how much money they earn.

The way of your life is quite balanced and I wish Steemit gets enough mature to reward the whole lot of quality steemians to pay their bills.

Life is beautiful so as your article. 😍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. With any luck we'll be riding high soon enough.

Steem is the real coin for adoption. It is a revolution. Look at our community. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I am generally of the mind that money isn’t everything, but it is the only thing that works at the grocery store.

I won’t spend my life chasing dollars but I will spend my earning time making the most dollars per hour. If it was easy and fun, they wouldn’t pay you to do it.

In general, money gives me choices. The ability to help someone or buy some freedom. I am pretty intimate with my state of freedom and will do what it takes to get there.

A little bull run wouldn’t hurt either.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Freedom is the most important thing in life. Money gives you freedom and money and choices. It's great to have money but it sucks to have to earn it.

Agreed. While keeping my eyes on the freedom, I know that I have to counter that with not doing what I like to do, but liking what I have to do.

I really agree with the last point. Many times I find myself balancing between saving money, and the quality I'm left with when I do. Most of the time I save my money, and the difference in quality is negligible, but sometimes there are things that aren't worth putting up with at smaller prices. Some cheaper options end up being just that... cheap.

If you spend your life saving, you need to make sure there's still some living left for you to do with those savings.

I like your idea of money but sometimes you have to trade the ability to make money for time. In the end time is the more valuable resource.