Do you ever get buyer's remorse?

in #busy6 years ago

Buyer's remorse.

It's a pretty common thing to feel right after Black Friday.

Sometimes we get sucked into all the deals that are going on and we forget that we don't always need all the things that are on sale.

It's hard to pass up a bargain though.

Most of my friends bought a new TV this Black Friday. Some of them bought new video game systems and a few of them even bought some questionable games, such as Fallout 76.


I really wanted to buy Fallout 76 too, but it has some of the worst reviews that I've ever seen.

That's really disappointing because I've been looking forward to that game for months now and I just can't put my money towards something that could possibly be a complete waste.

The people I know that actually bought that game are regretting it even though it was on sale for $35 during the Black Friday weekend.

It just came out about a week ago and yet it already went on sale for almost half price.

On the other hand, I know quite a few people that spent more money than they actually have available. This is a pretty common practice and one that I definitely don't recommend.

As human beings we often times don't know the difference between what we want and what we need.

We fool ourselves into thinking that we need that giant screen TV, and it does increase our quality-of-life but not if it means taking out a huge loan or going into severe debt.


In fact I was just talking to my buddy today at work. He bought a 55 inch TV and now is not sure how he's going to continue to pay his rent.

His idea was that he would make a lot of money working at our restaurant.

However, you cannot always tell the weather and you cannot always tell when the restaurant is going to be busy.

At work things haven't been going so well, and I can tell you now that people have a tendency to be really cheap when it comes to the holiday season.

You would think it would be the other way around but unfortunately it isn't.

That means my friend is going to need a bit of luck in order to pay his rent. Either that or he's going to have to take a second job.

That's something that he should have thought about before spending more money than he had. I guess he can take the TV back but I know that's not something he's going to be willing to do.

After all, he had been waiting all year to get a good Black Friday price and he finally did get it. There's no reason for him to take it back from his standpoint.

Now people that bought Fallout 76 all seem to be experiencing buyer's remorse. I'm glad that I did not buy it because I expect that it could be $10 by the end of a few months from now.

It might actually become a good game but this is why we don't pre-order games, and this is why we don't buy games when they first come out.

No one knows for sure if you wasted your money or not.


I'll tell you where most of the buyer's remorse is coming from lately though. It should be fairly obvious that the crypto-currency world is not exactly taking off. Most of us had been hearing about $20,000 and $50,000 Bitcoin all year long.

This has been reduced to $10,000 and $15,000 Bitcoin although some people are still calling for $50,000 Bitcoin. Right now we're looking at $3,700 Bitcoin.

We had been really stable at about $6,500 for a long time. What a disappointment to see it finally drop just like the bears all said that it would.

The drop is frustrating but hearing everyone telling me that I was wrong and they were right is possibly the most frustrating thing in the entire world.

Cryptocurrency is just taking off.

It's true that it's been around for years now but it's still just in the early stages and I have full confidence that Bitcoin really will be worth half a million dollars in just a few years, and I don't think any of us are going to have to watch John McAfee eat his dick like he said he would.


The point of this post is that you might have buyer's remorse if you bought something more expensive than you can afford like my friend did with his 55 inch TV.

You might also have buyer's remorse if you bought something because it was on sale and then you realize that you might not actually want it, like many people did with the game Fallout 76 after reading the terrible reviews.

Don't have buyer's remorse about your cryptocurrency purchases though. You might have bought Bitcoin at $20,000, but it will be worth more than that eventually.

Buying Bitcoin now is a great idea even though it might fall down to $3,000.
Buying Steem right now is an even better idea.

Remember last year when everyone really wished that they had bought in $0.20?

Wouldn't you have liked to have bought at $0.30 last year?

Well here it is...... it's $0.30.

Good things are coming. The NASDAQ is coming out with their Bitcoin futures market.

There are a lot of different things happening in the cryptocurrency world and they are mostly positive.

Don't let a few different bears and a few market manipulators take your cryptocurrency purchases and make you feel as if you have buyer's remorse.

The past has a tendency to repeat itself, and Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies go up.

We're headed there eventually so don't have buyer's remorse about buying cryptocurrency, and don't have buyer's remorse about buying Steem.

Well, that's all I have to say for now.

Thanks for reading.


I've had so many instances of buyer's remorse in my life. I try to curb impulse buys and this helps. If I have that "I just gotta have this" feeling I wait a few days and the desire usually passes. If it doesn't, I thoroughly read product reviews (especially if it's a big ticket item).

Marketers are getting so much better at getting you to buy by peppering you with ads for things you've recently read about or searched online. Restraint will be much more difficult in the coming years.

I share your feelings about crypto's future. I see so many folks selling their bags and exiting now. This will likely be a huge regret for most of them.

Ads are everywhere. Pretty much everything we do is littered with them.

As for crypto, Bag holders are going to have full bags eventually.

I can't remember having buyer's remorse. By the time I purchase something I don't need, I have it all justified in advance.... .LOL About the only time I have been unhappy with a purchase was because it either wasn't what it claimed or didn't perform the way it claimed and in those cases, I packed whatever it was up.... and took it back. No big ticket items though, I WAY over think those before I make a move.

I am not putting down what others decide they think they need, but you can get a VERY nice TV that is smaller than 55 inches, that is still a good large size for most rooms. I have been in a house or two that had such large TVs in a living room, that even sitting on the other side of the room, they were kind of hard to see the whole thing, it was odd and annoying. If you have a large house with very large rooms.... .maybe, but still, other than that, I can't see the point. Still.... to each their own. :)

It depends on the product. Usually when it is some low utility item I buy just because it looks cool, thankfully I have become better are not doing that over the years! As for Investments I am operating on a low term basis so I am less likely to feel any short term remorse for purchases that are facilitating investment.

Hopefully the remorse people are feeling right now about the cryptocurrency market is short-term remorse because I'd hate to think they're looking for another year of downward positioning.

I wonder if some stores don't increase prices beforehand for the tvs and other items, so that it isn't really as big of a deal as you think it is 😂

Sure they do, that's why you have to look at the cost of an item for weeks before you can truly know if it's actually on sale or if it's just an advertised price.

Of course the most infamous sale that works like that is on stuff like chicken breast at the grocery store when they do a two-for-one. Two for one chicken breast but the cost of a chicken breast is like $7.99 per pound.

My buyers remorse has went away since I have stopped buying much of anything (except books).

Now I finish, the war of the bitcoins now we hope that the most democratic in the world will strengthen the currency, the bitcoin itches and spreads excellent and impeccable post. Regards and my respects my support with my vote.

I seriously feel so dumb every day the price drops lower, for not selling at least SOME of my stack when prices were at an ATH. Why am I like this?

Here is not black Friday sale 😦

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