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RE: write me

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

From perception to inception
Being 4 dreams deep gives me an erection
I prefer to use contraception
Don't you question my inspection
I'll knock you into the next dimension
The food here gives me indigestion
I hope Giant Meteorite wins the next election


give it some time the vote is down :)

im not sure about the election though, i dont think elections make much difference, its just the upper class dividing the cake all over

I just figured mentioning Giant Meteorite sounded funny. I mentioned him because I know elections are a joke. Thats why I wanted him to win LOL.

heh, im glad to see you're still around i thought you disappeared with the whalewars on the price

a bit of interaction is all i could hope for here and i'm actually getting it


i owe my mentors a great deal

keep on
as you would with life

Oh I'm still here alright. I ain't going anywhere. I may have pissed off a few people as radical as I am but I don't care. That's what I do. I'm tired of all these shitizens and faktriots complying with lawless criminal government. Which is why I'm not at all afraid to get right in societies face about it. I'm a nihilistic misanthropist and proud! Nobody wants SHTF more than I do. Welcome to the NEW West!!!

shitizens lol, thats the first time i hear that, i was stuck on sheeple

i think this place can use a bit more freaks like me who arent freaks like me

it'd be a shame to see you go

thanks for the contribution, the vote is a bit low these days but i'll give it when its 100/100 i can seriously do three or four a day on this until it grows

but im sure thats not why you do it

its a brain thing

if its in

its gotta get out

or your head hurts, right ?

You can thank @deanclifford for the word Shitizen. He is here on Steemit. I'm also a member of his site the Earth Stewardship Cooperative, If you got an extra $10 a month you can afford you should sign up for his site. I've been trying to recruit others here to join up but no one has yet. I find it very discouraging that no one here wants to support Dean or the Sovereign free man movement.

ill have a look see