Mosquitoes- The war

in #busy6 years ago

Mosquitoes. One of the greatest enemy humans still fighting to get rid of. This tiny vampires ruin every thing. Mosquitoes are very sensitive and experts in sneaky intrusion.
There is no need to byte, just flying around your nose, eye and especially around ear is enough to make you mad.We are trying all methods to escape from these devils. In villages leaves of neem tree is used to make smoke, to keep away these sucking fellows away from home. Turmeric powder smoking is another method. These things will give some peace for a small time, it is not possible to keep the smoke all over the night.

Green neem leaves are put on fire, they emit a dense smoke which will keep away the mosquitoes for short time. When the smoke stops those guys come back within minutes. Just like this method turmeric is also used. Villagers have some intelligent idea about this process. They know the punctuality of this vampires. They will start smoke from early evening and continues until 9 to 10 PM, they are saying that, if the smoke is done while the mosquitoes are coming out from their hideouts they wont stay around the area. Since they are all in hunger and they will fly to some other location looking for blood. Continues smoking will keep them almost away. Even though many of them adopted to the situation and stay there for a proper time to suck blood.

Many products are there to survive these irritating and dangerous creatures. All are made up of harmful chemicals which affects lungs, eyes and skin. But people are ready to sacrifice their organs to survive mosquito bytes. Some products are claiming that they are all 100 % natural and eco friendly. We have to trust. Many experiments many types of repellents came and still the researches are on the way for new efficient products.

Mosquito repellent is one of the huge market. Giant companies are engaged in production of many types of repellent. These tiny fellows sucks blood to nourish the companies, the companies never think to eradicate the mosquitoes from earth. Because they have big money in this market. They love mosquitoes.

The war will not have an end. We have to fight without losing our blood and by not receiving diseases from this annoying, dangerous tiny devils.


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