Most Dangerous Cities In The World

in #busy7 years ago

The People's Council and the Criminal Tribunal for Public Safety in Mexico announced the world's 50 most dangerous cities in 2017.42 of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world are in Latin America and come forward with security concerns.The distribution of cities by country was 17 in Brazil, 12 in Mexico, 5 in Venezuela, 3 in Colombia, 2 in Honduras, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and Guatemala.

The population was ranked according to the rate of murder, and 112 of every 100,000 people were killed in 2017 in Los Cabos, Mexico, the world's most dangerous city. Acapulco, another Mexico city and known for its touristic properties, ranks third with 106 murders per 100,000 people.

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Oh my lord @gulalemir thank you for sharing this. This is scary stuff and to think Acapulco was always a place I wanted to visit after seeing Elvis Presley in the film "Fun In Acapulco". I can never see myself going to any of these countries now, and that saddens me, nevertheless, if I want to live then its a good decision. Take care @racykacy

Thank you for comment, i agree with you and i want to see "Fun In Acapulco" soon. See you.

Your welcome and the comment was deserving for the information you shared. Take care @racykacy