Oh, I did notice you stopped, but wasn't sure if that was so much deliberate as it was a byproduct of turning your attention to STEEM Monsters and TeamPossible. :) Sounds like it was probably both.
Interesting. No comment. :) Sounds like a conversation for another time, then, and probably off the record.
I don't know if musing is over, or its delegation, but for now, smaller rewards.
As far as the SP goes, I passed 1,000 earned SP in November. Right now, I'm knocking on the door of 1,700. I was hoping to reach 2,000 SP by the end of the month, but it doesn't look like that's possible now. The 900-plus SP was earned over the last two and half months of 2018. I had nearly 700 SP earned in the 9.5 months prior to that.
It'll be nice to see you more out and about. I will probably be, too, though I am still splitting time on musing, because I like it, but as far as stake goes, I need to get back into posting and the contests.