Hey, @davemccoy.
I know. Long time no see. Can't tell who has been 'no see' more, though. You or me. :)
Of course, though, you show up right in the thick of a new witness campaign. Me, I'm mainly sticking to the outer fringes. To each his own.
Just wanted to say good luck with all of this and I hope it all turns out in the best way possible.
Hey Glen! I know, its been a few weeks... I know you were helping your wife while she was recovering, so I take it now that you are back? I wish her well for sure, but always nice to see a comment from you :)
And I have been really focused on figuring out the Steem Monsters game and how to integrate it here and help people. So I've been very quiet everywhere else as there is only so much time in the day. This is a special exception as I think @fulltimegeek has helped so many and received nothing back, that it is our turn to do a little for him. So I came out of the "fringes" as you say to see if I can get some buzz going so we can get him there faster! (if we have much influence, which I'm not sure).
And I don't know what your outer fringes are, but I doubt its the Steem Monster game since I haven't seen you there. Are you more just lurking or have you found a great new community here that you can share?
And thanks for the well wishes, and I have faith that it will no matter what!
Always good to see you and hopefully we both bump into each other a bit more often in the next few weeks and months :D
re: fringes
I'd hardly call the STEEM Monster leviathan a fringe, so, no. I'm taking the odd man out route on that one. Not sure why I keep finding myself on the other end of the fence, but man, do I ever. :)
I was pretty much referring to my own little corner of the STEEM platform.
Haven't found any new and exciting communities. Just trying to become a productive member of the engagement league again and maybe get some posts earning some rewards. It's not quite like starting over, but it has that feel to it.
re: back
I am for now. I'm hoping to at least get back to Top 5 form maybe as early as this week and then see what I can do next week. After that, it will depend on how much my wife pushes me to help her with the finances (aka, find a job) or if STEEM will finally take off again. I'm hoping for a reprieve until the end of the year.
I've been waiting for some big announcement of what you've had going in the works. Something I'm supposed to have got a hint about but then couldn't decipher the hint. Is that still out there somewhere or did I already miss it?
cool on you getting going again and I have not doubt you will give @janton a run for his money! But he's a beast, there is no doubt! I know you have it in you though and together the two of you are something to watch on Sundays.
I understand the financial aspect, and yes Steem isn't going to be paying the bills for any of us anytime soon. I'm hoping that the new SMTs coming out next year (and the test site running soon) will add a little muscle to the tech side of things. I still think they haven't figured out that they need to really get behind guys like Asher and get the community things going, but that is something maybe they will focus on if they get some of the tech issues put in place. (fingers crossed, but not counting on it)
And the big announcement, its fun for me but might not be so significant. To make a long story short, I think Steem Monsters might be able to enable some things regarding building a community that didn't exist before. So I've been learning all the aspects to 1) see if I might be right 2) develop a plan to put it in action and 3) be able to teach and train efficiently so that we can make an impact. I'm very encouraged about what has gone on there, but I will admit there are good and bad aspects depending on the day.
I won't go into the plan here, but I will say that I understand the different people that have different needs/wants/desires and making it so that its a win/win/win so that there would be good participation was imperative. I still have a few more rules to deal with to make sure I can roll it out, but its 95% of the way ready to go. (at least in my mind)
The bottom line is that the game and the infrastructure surrounding it can be more than what it appears today. I will definitely fill you in more when it happens (as you are already a teammate in my mind), but I hate to get too far ahead of myself in the event some of the rules change. (ps... you don't have to even play the game to see the value in what my plan will be. I will explain that to you soon ;) )
You may already know this, but DLive has decided to abandon ship, or had it planned from the start, whichever you choose to believe. You can read their announcement on their blog if you haven't already.
Aside from blaming how funds get distributed from the reward pool because of high SP accounts, the back and forth in the comments is probably where the action is, starting with meno's top comment. Who knows if this was the plan—use STEEM and then head over to another blockchain that apparently DLive devs have been creating (LINO), but there's some interesting facts pointing to it.
Be that as it may, their stated reason for leaving is still a valid point, which the comments, for the most part, don't care about.
Anyway, tangent here on all of what you said, but I thought I'd give you a chance to decide for yourself what you think of it all, given that Steemit Inc isn't doing the best of jobs with its own app, let alone really supporting others. I'm not sure how/if it even should do that and do it better, but delegations aren't the same as liquid steem.
re: the plan
Well, okay. At least I know the general idea. A friends of STEEM Monsters community if you will. okay, probably not that :)
SMTs, SMTs, SMTs. After Monday's wasted day, and maybe more to come between now and when the HF works, I like SMTs less and less and less. No mention of Communities in over two months, ever since the HF and SMTs were announced. I guess work can still be seen going on Github, but it's hard to call the project front burner when it doesn't get a mention at all.
very interesting news on the Dlive issue... I had heard from someone something was up, but didn't get any more info and appreciate the heads up... I will check it out, even though you have given me a very nice update btw.
I agree with you that Steemit Inc still hasn't figured it out. That is something that is glaringly obvious. I hope they do though. And as far as SMTs, I am not one of those guys that is screaming "buy Steem now because SMTs will make this place rock"; but I am of the opinion it might be news worth keeping an eye on. I've seen situations where the people running things did a terrible job of managing expectations (but had a great product), and I think this might just be one of those times. I honestly don't know, but keeping my eyes open just in case!
I hope you made it into the top 25 again in Asher's league. Now that you are getting your sea legs again I'm sure you will do really well! have a great rest of your weekend Glen!
sir davemccoy! so I used to be Janton the Joyous but now I'm the Beast? lol! I guess that's a compliment. Well I commented to you last week and got no reply which is fine because I know how busy you are and now with the hardfork and all going on you're even busier.
But like I said in my other reply I wanted to thank you for the kind words and I can't remember what else I said! lol. that was alot of conversations ago.
but yeah sir Glen can beat me no problem, almost all the top people in the League are more talented than me so it's just a matter of time, there's other things I need to work on anyways. Thank you sir for all you do to help others!
omgosh... I am so sorry @janton... I didn't intend to miss your comment and now I feel bad... I have nothing but respect for you and how you interact with me and everyone and I think you are truly amazing!
And as far as being a beast, that is a very big compliment. That means when people see you are competiting they think of how they can come in 2nd... So its a very nice thing to say so don't think anything else for sure!
And I know you will be happy to have anyone that deserves to win the crown from you, win it...and I also think that your humility is great too. I do think you are so far off from the facts though, you are an amazing person with tons of talent. While I know time will correct everythign eventually, I am very confident that you will be there week in and week out :) ... You're a winner @janton... Plain and simple, you win at what you do in life!
Its my pleasure to have made contact with you and I'm honored to carry on conversations with you. I do truly regret that I missed it last week and I hope you realize that it was just an oversight on my part!
Have a great rest of your week and keep it up! (and ps I hope you have a good hard fork too and may none of us have any issues) ;)
sir Dave! I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I just didn't want you to think that I didn't reply to you or else I wouldn't have said anything! lol.
Thank you for the kind words. It will be interesting to watch our friend delishtreats because she says the can easily beat me and I believe her!
Not this week but the two weeks after that I think she'll go for it, she knows the disadvantages that I have the she doesn't and it will be a nice way to boost her popularity.
Someone said that these hardfork changes will bring in a flood of new people but I'm not sure why that would be, do you have any thoughts on that subject?
Thank you sir for getting back to me so fast!
I think @delishtreats could be a good competitor... she does some amazing posts, so if she takes her time and aims them at engaging, then she could give you a run for your money ;) ... So keep your eyes open :D
HE can help people like you.ANd on the hardfork, I'm not expert by any means... But I have no idea how they think this is going to help bring in a "flood" of new people. I think that might be some positive spin by some of the people that are trying to hide some of the problems. Frankly, I care more about them doing things to keep people here than making efforts to bring in more. It doesn't help one bit to bring someone here and then have them leave in less than 30 days out of frustration. I'm not being negative, I'm just pointing out that retention is an issue. That isn't going to solve itself. it needs focus and support of people just like you @janton, or at least supporting people like @abh12345 to a higher degree so that
And finally, have a wonderful day... :)