Ronald the rude rhinoceros- An original story with morals

in #busy6 years ago

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Once upon a time there was a big drought in the land where all the animals lived. It didn't rain for months, and many animals didn't have enough water to drink. Because it didn't rain, the animals also didn't have a lot of food to eat, and they had to share what was left. 

This was  truly a very sad time, because many animals decided to move away to greener pastures, and they left some of their dearest friends behind.  Some animals were old and they wanted to stay as they were too old to  explore new ventures.  

They were too scared to move away, because they knew the area well, and seeing that there were fewer animals, there might even be enough food for everyone to eat now.   

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Late in the afternoon, elephant would trumpet, and gather up all  the animals to come and stand in a line, while monkey handed out their daily rations. Some of these animals were extremely grateful, as this was the only food they had to eat for the day. Ronald the rhinoceros was always first in line and always grabbed the biggest portion. He had the idea that he was on the endangered species list so he had the right to the most food.  

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This annoyed many other animals, but they waited patiently while it was their turn. Cecil the crocodile was always the last to be fed because he was the eldest of them all, and had long since turned vegetarian, because he could not chase after the other animals anymore.   

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One afternoon when it was time for monkey to hand out food, things didn't work out exactly as planned. While the other animals lined up to  wait for their handouts, Ronald the rude rhinoceros rushed by everyone to take his usual place in front of the line, but in the momentum, his foot got stuck on a rock and he fell down. 

There he lay while everyone else walked straight past him without helping him. He cried, but everyone literally walked past him and did not offer to help. Even Cecile the old crocodile ignored him. By the time he got back on his  feet, he had to take his place at the back of the line. 

That day, Rudy the rude Rhinoceros received very little food and went to bed a little hungry. That evening he felt sorry for himself, but he was also ashamed of himself.  He realized that nobody wanted to help  him, because he had been so rude.  

Figures, that even if you are on the endangered specie list, it still doesn't give you the right to be rude to anyone else.  

From that day on wards, he never rushed to stand first  in the line again, and if he got there early, he let all the older animals pass him. 

Moral of the story:

  • Always respect your elders.
  • Karma doesn't sleep
  • Never be greedy.



Haha, so funny that the crocodile was vegetarian! Nice post :) I wonder what food he ate,LOL.