The other place you went might have been steampeak or dPoll. You need to log in there to use them. Many/most of us have stopped using steemit since so many other dApps are better and pay with upvotes when you post with them.
I'm on a laptop - no phone. I use:
- <<< to ask questions
- esteem <<< one post a day
- tasteem <<< restaurant reviews
- <<< travel posts
- ntopaz <<< Photo posts
- steempeak <<< Browsing and wallet
- steemworld <<< monitoring my blogs and claiming rewards
- busy <<< Like esteem but a second choice
For sbi voting, it is not worth it unless you set up auto-voting. You will never catch the posts in time to make curation rewards with your vote value. <<< Easy set up to vote for 20 blogs for free, but ask me if you have questions.
I am always logged in to all of these places, or re-login with keychain if they bump me out. It's another layer of complexity, but very worth your effort.
@fitinfun ok, now things are starting to make sense to me, I have been using nothing but steemit, I have been to palnet several times but could not figure out how to post through them also partiko, so now I am thinking I need to make an account with them, then I can use them. I do not go on the internet with my phone, it is a pay for minutes phone. I have a laptop with very good internet connection.
You just need to get the keychain browser extension. It will lets you login easily. You already have accounts with all of these - just need to login, @myjob.