My personal experience with not drinking soda / pop

in #busy6 years ago

This will not be a long drawn out post but more of an informative post to quickly highlight something that i have done recently that anyone can do. I have been a drinker of Mt Dew since i was a little kid. I would say for 30 years or so. I love the stuff.

When we scale the race car we always step on all the scales to make sure they are calibrated and so we can make fun of Tony for being fat. My father in law runs marathons so he is always conscious about his weight and my primary function is to make sure all the beer gets drank every night. Well I was always a constant 205 and I am a solid built guy. I stopped drinking soda about the time I got on steemit so almost 4 months ago. While I have been noticing that i had to take my belt in a bit I did not pay any attention. I figured it was just stretching out or something. Well we scaled the car last night and i stepped on the scale and I was 192 lbs. I stepped off and told them to zero it out again . Back on I went. 192 again. So I stepped on one of the other 3 scales and it was 192. I said the scales are messed up so we threw the calabration 50 weight on and it was perfect. Then it hit me, from only not drinking soft drinks i have lost 13 pounds. Before you assume i have changed my lifestyle and started working out I can assure you I have not. When I put on my work pants this morning i realized that without a belt my pants will literally fall off. I counted belt notches and I have gone down 3 whole notches.

I never realized how bad that stuff was for me. So if anyone is looking for a easy way to lose weight that takes absolutely no effort on your part then put down the sugary drinks. I was truely dumbfounded by it.


calories from drinks really add up. Couple sodas a day, 60 a month, 240 in 4 months at 170 calories each and you have 40,800 calories which is 11.65 pounds just as a hypothetical example.

Damn that is a lot of calories. I was easily chugging down 3 to 5 20 oz sodas a day.

He only used a 12oz can as the example. You are talking about 60-100oz per day vs 24oz in the example....dang.

I notice every time I cut out pop weight falls off pretty fast. But I get some serious headaches. Mt Dew and Coke are my weakness.

Exactly. That deffinatly explains the weight drop. Hell if I cut out morning coffee and beer at night i might be down to 175. But then the little bit of joy in life would be gone so F that . If you take most over the counter headache medicine it will help because the have caffine as one of the ingrediants. I just straight up quit cold turkey when i did it. just drank a shit ton of water for the first week or so.

Coffee on it's own is fine, it's the sugar and cream if you use them. I switched to black coffee and it helped a lot. Beer...well that is something I just won't give up either.

yep. I love my coffee and beer

In my late 30's I was getting arthritis in my wrists and ankles to the point where I couldn't play softball anymore. Thought it was just a factor of just getting old but when I replaced soda with natural spring water and cut buck eating out at restaurants every other meal to maybe 3 or 4 times a month a few years back my arthritis has since completely gone away and I no longer get weird pains in random places. It's great to be able play softball again and I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my late 20's.

It is seird you say that because i was getting weird spasms in my hands and they have all but gone away in the last couple months. I can't even remember the last time I got one really.

It doesn't surprise me, could be the mercury they use to process high fructose corn syrup that sweetens most of the nondiet sodas that gave you the spasms, is my guess.

Sweet drinks like coke etc. are the worst!
The high amount of sugar releases so much insuline and that stores all the nutrients into bodyfat and makes you still hungry/thirsty!

Avoiding them will help you really much loosing weight


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