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RE: 10 Steem Minimum Prize Contest - To Support @fulltimegeek's Witness Quest!

in #busy7 years ago

I would really appreciate that. I have voted for, thought I voted for, a few witnesses. But when I go to check it shows I haven't voted for anyone. I might be looking in the wrong place? Or just not clear on the concept?


are you looking in the vote for witnesses tab in the menu on the upper right?

And if you vote for someone, the button will turn green. Like this:

And if you write someone in, it will look like this:

Hmm, I think I did look there at some point. It looks familiar. I went there just now and voted and the spinning wheel just keeps spinning. No error message, just the 'wait a minute I'm thinking about it' wheel.
And now I'm thinking I might have done that before - voted, waited, then gave up!
Okay, yes, I understand the process now. (Less than 5 minutes, thank you!) I'll keep trying and maybe catch it when it's awake!

I came back and tried again and it worked perfectly! I figured I was doing something wrong, I was using the wrong password. It didn't tell me so, it just wouldn't process my votes. Tried a different password and it's all good. Thanks for your help!

awesome! Glad you got it all figured out and working! And I think @fulltimegeek will be ready in about 7 days or so, so keep an eye out there too :D... have a great rest of your weekend!