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RE: Why I Am Rooting For Lower STEEM?

in #busy6 years ago
why do people stop posting steemit due to bad prices? That's because they don't get the right salary from their efforts and hard work in finding and creating content.
Basically it is because they are short sighted - yes the 'salary' from todays posts is rather dissapointing but I believe that this blockchain is going places and will have the value it deserves in the future, it mught not be in the next year, but it will happen, and by then I will hold a siginificant ammount!

why am I saying that salary is about salary, because not all writers in Steemit are rich, and not everyone has adequate income out there, sometimes they are too hopeful in steemit, but now no longer hope for most people, and they choose to leave steemit for a while and look for sufficient real income, until steemit really gives the appropriate value.

just looking for 1 SBD now is not easy to steemit.

For the majority of people Steem will never be a 'salary' but is rather an investment in the future. This is why people wont succeed on here because they need to play the long game and not try and rely on Steem for the now.

I actually am finding the opposite at the moment - there are some great oppurtunities to earn on here. Wait until the price goes back to $8 and then the place will become so flooded with peolpe and content will be so hard to be recognised.

Who knows I could be wrong, but I think in 5 years time I will be very happy